BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060708T000000Z DTEND:20060709T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Zenshuji Soto Mission of Los Angeles</strong> is please d to announce the <strong>Zenshuji 48th Annual Obon Carnival</strong> will be held on <strong>July 8th and 9th</strong>\, from 11am to 8pm. The carn ival will include traditional Japanese cultural exhibitions\, food\, and e ntertainment such as:\n\n* Ikebana Exhibits\n* Tea Ceremony Demonstrations \n* Taiko Drumming (Zendeko)\n* Carnival Games\n* Photo Contest\n* Karaoke Contest\n* Karate (Matsubayashi Shorinji Ryu)\n* Folk Dancing (Awa-odori) \n* Folk Music (Matsumae Kai)\n* Itayaki\, Takoyaki\, Teriyaki Beef\, Udon \n\nWhen: Saturday & Sunday July 8 -9\, 2006\nWhere: 123 South Hewitt St reet\, Los Angeles 213.624.0463\nTime: 11am - 8pm\nCost: Admission is fr ee and open to the public.\n\n\n<a href="">Surf the ir site for more information & schedule of events!</a>\n\nDownload flyer b elow... DTSTAMP:20240912T093041Z SUMMARY:Zenshuji 48th Annual Obon Carnival URL:/en/events/2006/07/08/zenshuji-48th-annual-obon-carnival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR