BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060603T000000Z DTEND:20060603T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join in the festivities as the <strong>JACCC</strong> celebrate s its 26th anniversary with a benefit concert featuring the <strong>Yoshid a Brothers.</strong>\n\nSuperstars and masters of the tsugaru shamisen\, < strong>Ryoichi and Kenichi Yoshida</strong> have reinvented the folk form for today’s generation. The <a href="">Yos hida Brothers</a> make their long awaited return to the U.S. with an all n ew concert and the release of their third U.S. album ‘III.’\n\nWhen: <strong>Saturday\, June 3\, 2006</strong>\nWhere: Aratani Japan America T heatre\nJapanese American Cultural and Community Center\n<a href="http://w"></a>\n244 S. San Pedro St\, #505\, Los Angeles\ , CA 90012\nPhone: 213.680.3700 | FAX: 213.680.1872\nTime: 8pm\nCosts: $ 250\,* $150* orchestra\, $75* balcony\n*includes post-performance receptio n and copy of their new CD\n\n DTSTAMP:20241003T211951Z SUMMARY:26th Anniversary Celebration Benefit Concert Featuring the Yoshida Brothers URL:/en/events/2006/06/03/26th-anniversary-celebration-benefit-concert-feat u/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR