BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060218T000000Z DTEND:20060218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>POETS GLORIA ALVAREZ\, AMY UYEMATSU TO RECITE WORKS REL ATED TO WWII JAPANESE AMERICAN MASS INCARCERATION\, REMOVAL OF ONE MILLION PEOPLE OF MEXICAN ANCESTRY AT JAPANESE AMERICAN NATIONAL MUSEUM</strong>\ n\nLOS ANGELES.—Poets Gloria Alvarez and Amy Uyematsu will recite from t heir works that relate to the unconstitutional World War II incarceration of 120\,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry and the so-called Mexican “re patriation” of the 1930s in which federal\, state and local governments conspired to remove over one million individuals of Mexican descent from t he United States at the <strong>2006 Day of Remembrance program set for Sa turday\, Feb. 18\, beginning at 2 p.m. at the Japanese American National M useum</strong> in Little Tokyo. The program is free and no reservations ar e required.\n\nThe Day of Remembrance was created to commemorate the date when President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 on Feb. 19\, 1942\, l eading to the unlawful forced removal and imprisonment in domestic concent ration camps of members of the Japanese American community. Each year\, a program is held to remember the historic events that led to the false impr isonment and to highlight other contemporary issues related to civil right s. This year’s theme is <strong>"Claiming History: Justice Along Color L ines"</strong> and will also feature Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress ( NCRR) addressing this issue as it pertains to different communities today. \n\nAlvarez is a Chicana poet/intermedia artist as well as a literary tran slator and curator. A writer in residence at the Social and Public Art Res ource Center at East Los Angeles College\, she is also affiliated with the Getty Research Institute for the History of the Arts and Humanities and B eyond Baroque Literary Center. Her books of poetry include La Excusa/The E xcuse and Emerging en un Mar de Olanes and her poems have been included in various anthologies. Her epic play Los Biombos/The Screens was produced b y Cornerstone Theater and directed by Peter Sellars\, who has directed sev eral of Alvarez’ theatrical works.\n\nSansei Uyematsu began writing poet ry as an undergraduate at UCLA during the rise of the Asian American Movem ent of the late 1960s and 1970s. Her books include <em>30 Miles from J-Tow n</em>\, which won the 1992 Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize\, and <em>Nights of Fire\, Nights of Rain</em>. She most recently released <em>Stone Bow P rayer</em>. A featured poet at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books\, s he was one of 24 poets in the MTA’s Los Angeles Poetry in Motion project .\n\nCalifornia State University\, Los Angeles Professor Francisco E. Bald errama\, who co-wrote the book\, <em>Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriat ion in the 1930s</em>\, will serve as keynote speaker for the program. As Prof. Balderrama will explain\, high unemployment during the Great Depress ion motivated certain politicians\, non-governmental organizations and ind ividuals to blame the Mexican American community for the problem. Federal\ , state and local governments worked together with civic organizations to force out members of this community from states as far north as Michigan. Besides the forced removal\, Prof. Balderrama believes almost two million individuals were affected when members of their families\, over half of th em American citizens\, left the country.\n\nAlso Congressman Xavier Becerr a\, on behalf of Japanese Latin Americans\, will describe his efforts to p ass legislation to create commissions to examine the World War II events a nd to apologize to those who were wrongly denied their civil rights. Japan ese Latin Americans were illegally held during World War II after being fo rced to leave South America (which was instigated by the U.S. government)\ , but their efforts to acquire redress have been rebuffed.\n\nAlayne Yonem oto will emcee the program. A reception will follow the program. The 2006 Day of Remembrance program is co-sponsored by Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress\, the Japanese American Citizen League\, Pacific Southwest Distric t (JACL-PSWD)\, and the National Museum. For more information\, call NCRR at (213) 680-3484\, the JACL-PSWD at (213) 626-4471\, or the National Muse um at (213) 625-0414.\n\nJapanese American National Museum\n369 East First Street\nLos Angeles\, CA 90012\n<a href="">www.janm.o rg</a> DTSTAMP:20240918T021245Z SUMMARY:L.A. Day of Remembrance Highlights Mexican 'Repatriation' Feb. 18 URL:/en/events/2006/02/18/la-day-of-remembrance-highlights-mexican-repatria t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR