BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20051008T000000Z DTEND:20051008T000000Z DESCRIPTION:For those of you interested in taiko\, TAIKOPROJECT is having a benefit concert in Los Angeles\, California. \nSee below for more info. Tix info at: <a href="">http://www.t</a>\nOR contact May Yee at (626)288-7498 or <a>m</a>\n************************************************\n\nTh e TAIKOPROJECT presents\nIKUZO!\nA Benefit Concert to Send the TAIKOPROJEC T to Japan\nSaturday\, October 8\, 2005\, 8 pm\nSenshin Buddhist Temple\n\ n“TAIKOPROJECT—not your mama’s taiko\, but it may be\nyour hip\, you nger cousin’s”\nLA WEEKLY\n\nLos Angeles\, CA - The TAIKOPROJECT prese nts the\n“IKUZO: A Benefit Concert to Send TAIKOPROJECT to\nJapan.” on Saturday\, October 8 at 8 pm. The concert\ntakes place at the Senshin Bu ddhist Temple\, located at\n1341 W. 37th St. in Los Angeles\, California. Ticket\npackages begin at $25. To purchase tickets or to make\na donatio n\, call (626)288-7498. Convenient parking is\nlocated in the adjacent pa rking lot.\n\nIn August\, 2005\, the TAIKOPROJECT was selected as one\nof 12 finalists out of over 60 applicants to\nparticipate in the 5th Annual T okyo International\nTaiko Contest\, the largest and most prestigious taiko \ncompetition in the world. In addition\, the\nTAIKOPROJECT has the disti nction of being the first\nAmerican taiko group to participate in the cont est\,\nmaking this year’s contest especially historical. \n\nThe 5th An nual Tokyo International Taiko Contest takes\nplace on October 15 - 16\, 2 005\, at the Olympic Youth\nCenter in the Shibuya District of Tokyo\, Japa n. The\nTAIKOPROJECT cast departs a few days earlier to\nprepare for thei r performance\, rehearsing at taiko\nstudios throughout Tokyo\, while conn ecting with local\ntaiko groups and visiting various taiko leaders in\nJap an. Their performance takes place on October 16\,\nfollowing the “Youth Group” category performances and\nthe “O-daiko” solo category perfo rmances. They are in\nthe “Adult Performing Group” category. For the “Adult\nPerforming Group” category\, participating groups play\na com pulsory song\, “Beat/Essence II\,” by acclaimed\ncomposer Maki Ishii ( composer of Kodo’s classic\n“Monochrome”)\, as well as an original s ong. The\nTAIKOPROJECT has chosen to play “Omiyage\,” with an\n“Exp anding” intro.\n\nWith the hopes of representing American taiko at this\ nprestigious gathering\, but faced with the task of\nself-producing the tr ip\, the TAIKOPROJECT performs in\nthis special one-night-only benefit con cert to fund\ntheir first-ever tour to Japan. This marks the first\ntime American taiko will be shared with the Japanese\ntaiko community at this g athering. American taiko\ngroups rarely have opportunities to perform in Japan\,\nso the TAIKOPROJECT members are adding extra\nrehearsals to be fu lly prepared for the contest.\n\nJoin us for an evening of TAIKOPROJECT fa vorites and\nthe debut of “Beat/Essence II.” The 30-minute\nperforman ce will be followed by a post-show reception\nwith the artists. Our goal is to raise $10\,000 to\ncover the expenses of traveling to Japan to\npart icipate in the contest.\n DTSTAMP:20240916T065158Z SUMMARY:IKUZO...A TAIKOPROJECT Benefit Concert! URL:/en/events/2005/10/08/ikuzoa-taikoproject-benefit-concert/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR