BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060415T000000Z DTEND:20060423T000000Z DESCRIPTION:"The annual Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival is a ce lebration of the rich cultural heritage of the nearly 40\,000 Japanese Ame ricans residing in Northern California. \n\nThe event\, which includes the choosing of a queen\, a street fair\, various cultural performances and d emonstrations\, and a grand parade\, also affords the other residents of t his culturally diverse region the opportunity to experience the unique cus toms and colorful traditions of their Japanese American neighbbors." \n\nF or more information: \n<a href="">http://www.nccbf.or g/</a> DTSTAMP:20250121T221202Z SUMMARY:The 39th Annual Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival at San Francisco: April 15 &amp\; 16\, 22 &amp\; 23 URL:/en/events/2006/04/15/the-39th-annual-northern-california-cherry-blosso m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR