BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241021T000000Z DTEND:20241202T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style='font-family: "Founders Grotesk"\, "Noto Sans JP"\, sans-serif\; font-size: 22.05px\;'>Goblins\, witches and knights\, oh my! Join us for this 6-session fall course on the <strong>basics of drawing manga characters\, but with a fantasy twist</strong><span style='font-fami ly: "Founders Grotesk"\, "Noto Sans JP"\, sans-serif\; font-size: 22.05px\ ;'>. We’ll learn how to draw <strong>characters (and creatures) from hi t series</strong><span style='font-family: "Founders Grotesk"\, "Noto Sans JP"\, sans-serif\; font-size: 22.05px\;'>\, then start <strong>our own i maginative designs</strong><span style='font-family: "Founders Grotesk"\, "Noto Sans JP"\, sans-serif\; font-size: 22.05px\;'> from scratch. Whethe r you are a total beginner looking to start your artistic journey\, or a f an of the genre\, you’ll love this <strong>fresh take on the fundamenta ls of character design</strong><span style='font-family: "Founders Grotesk "\, "Noto Sans JP"\, sans-serif\; font-size: 22.05px\;'>!\n<span style='fo nt-family: "Founders Grotesk"\, "Noto Sans JP"\, sans-serif\; font-size: 2 2.05px\;'>* ONLINE EVENT * DTSTAMP:20241111T233746Z SUMMARY:Drawing Magic - Fantastical Manga Characters URL:/en/events/2024/10/21/drawing-magic-fantastical-manga-characters/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR