BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240721T000000Z DTEND:20240721T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FUN SUMMER FESTIVITIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!</strong>\n <ul><li>Okinawa-Style Bon Dance</li><li>Live Performances</li><li>Games</l i><li>Raffle Drawings</li><li>High School Scholarship Awards</li><li> d more</li></ul>\n\n<strong>SPECIAL GUEST PERFORMER FROM OKINAWA!\nTAKANE KOCHIHIRA\n</strong> Mc5S1ovkHz&amp\;feature=shared\n\n<span style="font-weight: bold\;"><stron g>VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:\n</strong><strong>\n </strong><span style="font-style: italic\;"><strong>(Service hours availab le for students)</strong>\n<em> </em>\n<strong><em></em></strong>\n<strong ><em>Umanchu OAA Picnic uti majun ashibibusan!</em> (We want to have fun w ith everyone at the OAA Picnic!)\n\n</strong>The Okinawa Association of Am erica (OAA) will host their Annual Members Picnic on July 21 (Sunday)\, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.\, Whittier Narrows Recreation Park in South El Monte. Feat uring live performances\, games\, raffle drawings\, high school scholarshi p awards\, and Okinawa-style Bon Dancing\, it's the perfect event for reun ions or a summer outing with loved ones. (Non-OAA members are also encoura ged to attend the event and apply for membership)\n\nFor many OAA members\ , the picnic is rooted in their family’s history. The gatherings were pi oneered by early Okinawan immigrants in the 1930’s as a way to build fel lowship and to joyously partake in their shared cultural heritage. The org anizers later added a high school scholarship award to recognize the acade mic and service achievements of young Okinawans in the organization. It ha s since become a multigenerational event centered around community and con necting with Okinawan culture.\n\nTo commemorate the organization’s 115t h anniversary\, there will be a <strong>special live performance by Takane Kochihira\, a lyricist\, composer\, and singer-songwriter visiting from O kinawa.</strong> This year marks the 20th anniversary of Kochihira’s deb ut album\, “Umui Uta”\, which was released by Crown Records in 2004. H e has performed in over 30 countries\, including twice at the OAA – a mi ni-concert in 2014 and at the organization’s annual <em>Keirō Kansha no Hi</em> (Senior Appreciation Day) luncheon in 2015.\n\nThe OAA encourages bringing the whole family to enjoy games throughout the day including a w ater balloon toss tournament\, relay races\, <em>tama-ire</em> (a popular bean bag toss game in Japan)\, and more\; prizes awarded to all participan ts while supplies last. The picnic will conclude with the much-anticipated <em>chinahichi</em> (tug-of-war)\; age restrictions apply.\n\nPicnic-goer s can also enjoy and cheer on local talent during the entertainment progra m. From traditional dances and folk music to the dynamic Ryūkyūkoku Mats uri Daiko drum-dancing group\, this is one of the few annual events in Sou thern California that spotlights the diverse culture of the Ryūkyū Islan ds.\n\nThe festivities will culminate with <em>Bon Odori</em>\, a communit y dance circle that is performed in honor of our <em>uyafaafuji</em> (ance stors). Audience members of all ages are invited to join\; no experience is necessary as the movements are repetitive and easy to follow. The OAA ’s “Okinawa-style” <em>Bon Odori</em> is unique in that all of the d ances are Okinawan and live music will be provided by sanshin (traditional 3-stringed lute) and paarankuu (hand drum) musicians. Participants who da nce at the event will receive a commemorative button designed by Kim Kobas higawa ( while supplies last. To learn the choreog raphies ahead of time\, practice videos are available at www.oaamensore.or g/picnic.\n\nThere will be raffle drawings throughout the day with great p rizes (attendance not required to win prizes). One grand prize winner will take home a 43” Toshiba LED 4K Smart TV\, generously donated by <strong >Kamiya Insurance Agency</strong>. Other great prizes include $200 cash\, $100 cash\, gift cards/certificates\, and more. Basket raffle prizes (atte ndance required) include baseball tickets\, a signed Lakers basketball (Ta urean Prince\, #12)\, children’s bicycle\, and more. Proceeds will benef it the OAA’s yearly activities as well as much needed maintenance and re pairs for the organization's facilities.\n\nThe picnic will be held at Whi ttier Narrows Recreation Park\, Group Picnic Area E-1\, 750 S. Santa Anita Ave.\, South El Monte. Food will not be provided at the event. No alcohol \, smoking\, or pets permitted (except for service animals). Gates open at 10:30 a.m\; on-site parking is $7 cash per car (carpooling recommended)\; golf cart service from the lot to the event site is available for members with physical restrictions. Raffle tickets ($1) are available for pre-ord er:\, (310) 532-1929. Volunteers are needed on J uly 20th and 21st\; please contact the OAA or sign up at icnicvolunteer24 (service hours available for students).\n\nThe OAA would like to say <em>ippee nifee deebiru</em> (thank you very much) to this yea r’s Gold Level Sponsor\, <strong>Kamiya Insurance</strong>\, and Silver Level Sponsors\, <strong>Uyehara Travel</strong> and <strong>Oki Dog (in m emory of the late Sakae Jimmy Sueyoshi)</strong>\, for their generous supp ort.\n\nAwarded as one of 2023’s California Nonprofits of the Year\, the Okinawa Association of America\, Inc. (OAA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org anization that is dedicated to preserving and promoting Okinawan culture. Formed by first generation Okinawan immigrants <em>(issei)</em>\, the OAA has grown into a multi-generational organization that hosts numerous event s throughout the year including cultural lectures\, performances\, social gatherings\, and senior-focused activities. 2024 marks the organization’ s 115th anniversary as well as the 25th anniversary of the OAA Center in G ardena. For updates\, please visit or follow @oaamensor e on Facebook/Instagram. DTSTAMP:20240909T013512Z SUMMARY:Annual Okinawa Picnic URL:/en/events/2024/07/21/annual-okinawa-picnic/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR