BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230617T000000Z DTEND:20230617T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">$10 General\, $5 Members </strong>\n<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;"><a href="\;txobjid=a734f8c4-7e34-4bcb-8b9 1-c0b5762acbb2">RSVP NOW</a></strong>\n\nCelebrate the resilience of a com munity in struggle through swing music and dance! This multi-part program will explore the impact of swing music and dance on youth in America’s c oncentration camps through personal storytelling\, history\, and dancing.\ n\nJoin for a social swing dance with live music from <a href="https://ww">The Fabulous Esquires Big Band</a> and opportunities for all to be a part of the experience. <a href="">Ru sty Frank</a> will lead a dance lesson for those of any dance experience\ , followed by an afternoon of popular tunes from the 1940s and a chance fo r all generations to connect through immersive history.\n\n<strong><span s tyle="color: #c21313\;"><span style="text-decoration: underline\;">Please note that these tickets are for the DANCE portion of the program only. Si gn up for the Conversation with WWII Concentration Camp Survivors at 12 p. m. at <a href=" woogie-conversation-wwii-concentration-camp-survivors">this link</a>.</str ong>\n<em>Please note that tickets to each part of the event are sold and priced separately. Contact with any questions rega rding ticketing.</em>\n \n\n<em>Image: School dance at Rohwer concentrati on camp. Gift of Mabel Rose Jamison (Jamie) Vogel (88.25.57).</em>\n DTSTAMP:20241013T170137Z SUMMARY:From Barbed Wire to Boogie Woogie: All Camps Swing Dance with The F abulous Esquires Big Band URL:/en/events/2023/06/17/from-barbed-wire-to-boogie-woogie-all-camps-swing / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR