BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221025T000000Z DTEND:20221025T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Discover Nikkei is JANM’s community-based web project sharing stories and the experiences of Nikkei around the world. “Nima” are me mbers of the Discover Nikkei online community. Hailing from all around the world\, they each bring unique experiences and perspectives to the site ’s rich archive of stories.\n\n<em><strong>Nima Voices</strong></em> is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief\, but enlighte ning\, interviews. In the tenth episode\, Denver-based author <strong>Gil Asakawa</strong> will be interviewed by guest host <strong>Nancy Matsum oto</strong>\, a freelance writer and editor who covers agroecology\, food and drink\, the arts\, and Japanese/Japanese American culture. They will chat about Gil’s newly released book\, <em>Tabemasho! Let’s Eat!: A T asty History of Japanese Food in America</em>\, his participation in Disco ver Nikkei’s multilingual food program\, and more!\n\n<a href="https://d">Read Gil’s articles on Discover Nikkei</a> before tuning in for this live interview and Q&amp\; A on Tuesday\, October 25\, 2022 at 5 p.m. (PDT) on the Discover Nikkei < a href="">YouTube channel</a>  or on <a href="">Facebook</a>. Log into your YouTube or Facebook account to post questions for the Q&amp\;A!\n\n< strong>Gil Asakawa</strong> is a journalist\, editor\, author\, and blogg er who covers Japan\, Japanese American and Asian American and Pacific Isl ander (AAPI) culture and social justice issues in blogs\, articles\, and s ocial media. He is a nationally-known speaker\, panelist\, and expert on J apanese American and Asian American history and identity. He’s the autho r of <em>Being Japanese American </em>(Stone Bridge Press). Gil has been contributing articles to Discover Nikkei since 2009. He moderated Discove r Nikkei’s <a href="">“Wha t Is Nikkei Food?”</a> program in February 2022\, and will be serving a s moderator of the upcoming conversation with Nikkei chefs from Brazil\, P eru\, and the United States—<em>stay tuned for details!</em>\n\n<a href= ""><strong>Na ncy Matsumoto</strong></a> is a freelance writer and editor who covers ag roecology\, food and drink\, the arts\, and Japanese and Japanese American culture. She has been a contributor to <em>The Wall Street Journal</em>\ , <em>Time</em>\, <em>People</em>\, <em>The Toronto Globe</em> and <e m>Mail</em>\, <em>Civil Eats</em>\, NPR’s<em> The Salt</em>\, TheAtlan\, and the online Densho Encyclopedia of the Japanese American Inca rceration\, among other publications. Her book\, <a href="https://www.tut">Explor ing the World of Japanese Craft Sake: Rice\, Water\, Earth</a>\, was publi shed in May 2022. Another of her books\, <em>By the Shore of Lake Michiga n</em>\, an English-language translation of Japanese tanka poetry written by her grandparents\, is forthcoming from UCLA’s Asian American Studies Press. Nancy has been contributing articles to Discover Nikkei since 2009. DTSTAMP:20241013T190514Z SUMMARY:Nima Voices: Episode 10—Gil Asakawa URL:/en/events/2022/10/25/nima-voices-episode-10gil-asakawa/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR