BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220306T000000Z DTEND:20220306T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Vow From Hiroshima\nA documentary portrait plus Q &amp\;A with Setsuko Thurlow\nSunday\, March 6\, 2022\nPacific 11am  |  Mountain 12noon |  Central  1pm  |  Eastern 2pm</strong>\n\nTo mark the week surrounding <a href=" ick?u=bac76e50f4bd8f5e4e85d18b6&amp\;id=5785b6882d&amp\;e=f5a25f5eae" targ et="_blank">International Women’s Day</a> the Toronto NAJC and NAJC Hum an Rights Committee honours Setsuko Thurlow C.M.\, founder of Japanese Fa mily Services in Toronto and former Toronto NAJC Board member. This is the first event in our 2022 Online Anniversary Human Rights Series.\n\n“<e m>The Vow From Hiroshima</em> is an intimate portrait of Setsuko Thurlow \, a passionate\, 90-year-old survivor of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. H er moving story is told through the lens of her growing friendship with a second generation survivor\, Mitchie Takeuchi.”\n\nSetsuko Thurlow is a graduate of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work\, earning a Bachel or’s and Master’s degree. As a survivor of the bombing of Hiroshima  in 1945\, she knows first-hand the devastating effects of nuclear warfare. \n\n<span style="color: #000000\;">Ms.Thurlow has worked tirelessly to cam paign against nuclear weapons and is a leading figure in its movement\, pl aying a key role to push the United Nations to adopt a landmark treaty out lawing nuclear weapons. She is a Member of the Order of Canada and the rec ipient of numerous other awards and honours. In 2017\, Ms. Thurlow accepte d the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).\n\n<strong><a href="https://najc.us16.list-manage .com/track/click?u=bac76e50f4bd8f5e4e85d18b6&amp\;id=a950e2efba&amp\;e=f5a 25f5eae" target="_blank"><span style="color: #000000\;">Watch Trailer</a> </strong> DTSTAMP:20250125T123252Z SUMMARY:Setsuko Thurlow in "The Vow From Hiroshima" URL:/en/events/2022/03/06/setsuko-thurlow-in-the-vow-from-hiroshima/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR