BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210701T000000Z DTEND:20210701T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="font-size: 15.0px\; color: #222222\; font-family: Arial \, Verdana \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\;">The Japanese American Museu m of San Jose is now open. Starting July 1\, 2021 JAMsj will resume our r egular business hours:\n<span style="font-size: 15.0px\; color: #222222\; font-family: Arial \, Verdana \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\;">Museum Hours:  Thursdays - Sundays  12:00pm - 4:00pm\n<span style="font-size: 15.0px\ ; color: #222222\; font-family: Arial \, Verdana \, Helvetica \, sans-seri f\;">We hope you will be able to stop by and visit the museum. \n<span st yle="font-size: 15.0px\; color: #222222\; font-family: Arial \, Verdana \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\;">For more information:  <a href="https://deref B-k-yw0SDcoYW5qMwGaBPMbyTutZAWcDPV6TpgGCxYlXKY_qvDPPIFkCc9rwgNABDswuFDltjn nhAsHcvnpI_8cn32ejvh9XwI-xj4tA%3D%3D%26c%3DkRJrZXx-Z7IqN2uRzVoF3-z6fshinYP eOxyVShvunAuVHmpykx7e0w%3D%3D%26ch%3DsVVqbiL2lCPd0LvlRW3iyah9kOoVUCzSU5Lxo m68A3hJvgjwAYEhDA%3D%3D" style="font-size: 15.0px\; color: #1155cc\; font- family: Arial \, Verdana \, Helvetica \, sans-serif\; text-decoration: non e\; font-weight: normal\; font-style: normal\;" target="_blank">https://ww</a> DTSTAMP:20240919T214626Z SUMMARY:Japanese Ameerican Museum of San Jose Reopen URL:/en/events/2021/07/01/japanese-ameerican-museum-of-san-jose-reopen/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR