BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210501T000000Z DTEND:20210501T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="color: #e53a5f\;"><strong>Join Us at <em>Reunited< /em>&mdash\;the 2021 Gala &amp\; Auction!</strong>\n\nCelebrate JANM at a joyous evening of song\, music\, and special guests. This year\, be <em>Re united</em> with friends at our COVID-safe\, virtual Gala &amp\; Auction&m dash\;and support our largest annual fundraiser. The announcement of the w inner of the 2021 Lexus Opportunity Drawing will also be online. Bid on un ique items reflecting diverse Asian culture.\n\n<strong>New for our 2021 G ala is a video variety show\, featuring many special guests including:</st rong>\n<ul><li>actor George Takei</li><li>singer Marie Digby</li><li>actre ss Keiko Agena</li><li>taiko artist&nbsp\;Kenny Endo</li><li>actor/singer& nbsp\;Telly Leung</li><li>musician Goh Nakamura</li><li>East L.A. Taiko</l i><li>comedian/actress Amy Hill</li><li>actor Derek Mio</li><li>Dodgers Ma nager Dave Roberts</li></ul>\n\n<em>&hellip\;and more surprises to come!</ em>\n\nIn addition to an online program with many special guests\, online auction\, and the announcement of the 2021 Lexus Opportunity Drawing winne r (win a 2021 Lexus RX 450h!)\, we will offer an exclusive virtual ballroo m experience where ticketed guests will be able to network at virtual tabl es\, among other added benefits.\n\nFor more information about the Gala\, sponsorship opportunities\, individual tickets\, and the 2021 Lexus Opport unity Drawing\, visit the 2021 Gala &amp\; Auction site.\n\n<strong><a hre f="">LEARN MORE</a></strong> DTSTAMP:20240914T042252Z SUMMARY:JANM 2021 Gala and Auction: Reunited URL:/en/events/2021/05/01/janm-2021-gala-and-auction-reunited/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR