BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210416T000000Z DTEND:20210416T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japanese American and Japanese immigrant laborers have contribu ted to the growth and development of countless industries. Here in the Pac ific Northwest\, one of the most important and recognizable contributions from the Japanese and Japanese American community have been within the ind ustry of logging. Today\, as logging mills become further obscured by hist ory\, advocates have been fighting to preserve the Snoqualmie Mill as a hi storic site. Join Cris Coffing\, Julie Lake\, and Dick Scheel discuss thei r work advocating for the recognition and preservation of the Snoqualmie M ill as it relates to the long-rooted history of Japanese American and Japa nese immigrant logging labor.\nThis online event will be the 3rd Northwest Nikkei Museum (NNM) speaker series on Friday\, April 16th starting at 7PM (PDT) via Zoom. Free to attend\, but registration &amp\; required. Regist ration will close on April 15th\, so don&rsquo\;t delay! Zoom sign-in is r equired to attend this event.\n&nbsp\;Register Online*\n<a href="https://f epgflau4jWfAxhHPGVd74" target="_blank"> </a>\n*Registration will close on April 15th.\n&nbsp\;Learn more about the Speaker Series\n<a href=" 0T5yERXTVlufxeCq5srzVautwWLMxQ-dOoqgS7iNuFqqsukTASMZhGNfQ" target="_blank" ></a> DTSTAMP:20241014T153733Z SUMMARY:Northwest Nikkei Museum Speaker Series: Snoqualmie Community Action Network (SCAN) URL:/en/events/2021/04/16/northwest-nikkei-museum-speaker-series-snoqualmie / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR