BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200723T000000Z DTEND:20200723T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Each year\, the Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest height ens awareness of Los Angeles&rsquo\; Little Tokyo by challenging both new and experienced writers to write a story that showcases familiarity with t he neighborhood and the people in it. Writers from three categories&mdash\ ;Adult\, Youth\, and Japanese language&mdash\;weave fictional stories set in the past\, present\, or future. Each category winner will be awarded a cash prize and their story will be published in&nbsp\;<em>The Rafu Shimpo< /em>&nbsp\;and on the&nbsp\;<a href="/" target="_blank">Discover Nikkei</a >&nbsp\;website.&nbsp\;\n\nThis year&rsquo\;s winning stories captured the spirit and cultural essence of Little Tokyo. Though we are not able to ga ther in Little Tokyo\, Imagine Little Tokyo is bringing the awards ceremon y online! Actors <strong>Tamlyn Tomita</strong>\, <strong>Derek Mio</stron g>\, and <strong>Eijiro Ozaki</strong> will perform dramatic readings of t he winning stories from each category and the winners themselves will have the opportunity to share brief reflections.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong>This progra m is FREE\, but RSVPs are required using the link below. You will be email ed links and instructions to join via Zoom.</strong>\n<strong></strong><st rong><a href="\; txobjid=cd5340a6-6312-46cf-90c3-2734bc9002db" target="_blank"></a></strong >\n<strong><a href=" &amp\;txobjid=cd5340a6-6312-46cf-90c3-2734bc9002db" target="_blank">RSVP N OW</a></strong>\n\nPlease confirm that the email that you register with is the best way to reach you. Note: you only need to register once per each device that you will be using to watch the program. Contact&nbsp\;<a href= "" target="_blank"></ a>&nbsp\;if you have any additional questions or specific access concerns. \n\n<em>The contest is presented by Little Tokyo Historical Society in par tnership with&nbsp\;</em><em>JANM&rsquo\;s Discover Nikkei project.</em>\n \nRead stories from past Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contests:\n\n<ul ><li><a href="/en/journal/series/imagine-little-tokyo/" target="_blank">Im agine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest I</a>&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/en/j ournal/series/imagine-little-tokyo-2/" target="_blank">Imagine Little Toky o Short Story Contest II</a>&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/en/journal/series/im agine-little-tokyo-3/" target="_blank">Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Co ntest III</a>&nbsp\;</li><li><a href="/en/journal/series/imagine-little-to kyo-4/" target="_blank">Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest IV</a>&nb sp\;</li><li><a href="/en/journal/series/imagine-little-tokyo-5/" target=" _blank">Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest V</a>&nbsp\;</li><li><a h ref="/en/journal/series/imagine-little-tokyo-6/" target="_blank">Imagine L ittle Tokyo Short Story Contest VI</a></li></ul> DTSTAMP:20241006T232555Z SUMMARY:7th Annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest: A Virtual Cele bration URL:/en/events/2020/07/23/7th-annual-imagine-little-tokyo-short-story-conte s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR