BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200715T000000Z DTEND:20200819T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>STUDENT COURSE FOR TEENS\n</strong>\n<strong>Wednesdays \, July 15 - August 19\, 4&ndash\;5 PM&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</strong><em><a href="" target="_blank">Calculate your loca l time</a></em>\n<strong>\n6 Lessons</strong>\n<strong> </strong>\n<strong ><span style="color: red\;">PLEASE NOTE:</strong><strong>&nbsp\;This cours e will be conducted online via&nbsp\;<a href="" ta rget="_blank">Zoom</a>.</strong>&nbsp\;To participate fully\, you will nee d access to a device with internet\, microphone\, and camera (such as a la ptop\, smartphone\, or tablet). Further instructions will be provided befo re the course begins in July. Please note that all times listed are New Yo rk time (EDT/UTC-04:00).\n<strong>Learn to become a manga artist from home !&nbsp\;</strong>With this summer series\, manga enthusiasts can transform their imaginations into their very own manga. This six-session course for beginner artists will establish the basic drawing skills\, character desi gn and story development needed for manga design. Manga artist&nbsp\;<stro ng>John Somoza&nbsp\;</strong>will help students infuse their designs with their own unique style\, and unlock their inner manga artists through per sonal attention.\n<strong>Tuition:</strong>&nbsp\;$150/$120 Japan Society members.&nbsp\;<em>Designed for students ages 11-18.</em>&nbsp\;Space is l imited to 10 students: advanced registration required.\nFor questions\, pl ease contact our Education &amp\; Family team:&nbsp\;<a href="mailto:jsedu"></a>.\n<strong>About the Instructor:</strong>\n<strong>John Somoza</strong>&nbsp\;(Drake Tinta) is a professional manga artist who has been working in the field since 20 12. His major works include an ongoing manga-influenced series titled&nbsp \;<em>Ninja Express</em>\, which can be read on Mr. Somoza looks forward to encouraging and teaching the next generation of artists who are looking to enter the field of manga and comics. DTSTAMP:20240920T164916Z SUMMARY:Manga for Beginners: Basics for Aspiring Artists URL:/en/events/2020/07/15/manga-for-beginners-basics-for-aspiring-artists/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR