BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200430T000000Z DTEND:20200430T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Dive into the experience of traveling across the country with t he <em><a href="" target= "_blank">Contested Histories: Art and Artifacts from the Allen Hendershott Eaton Collection</a></em> special display\, from program developer and cu rator Clement Hanami in this live presentation and Q&amp\;A!\n\nAllen Hend ershott Eaton’s historic 1952 book\, <em>Beauty Behind Barbed Wire: The Arts of the Japanese in Our War Relocation Camps</em>\, explored art and c raft objects created by persons of Japanese descent while wrongfully incar cerated in the World War II American concentration camps. After many year s of lying forgotten in storage\, the collection was inherited by a family friend of Eaton’s\, who in April 2015 attempted to put it up for auctio n. An outcry arose from Japanese American community leaders and activists\ , who rallied successfully to stop the insensitive sale of these important artifacts of Japanese American history. Ultimately\, the collection was t ransferred to the Japanese American National Museum for safekeeping.\n\nNo w a traveling display\, both physically and digitally\, <em>Contested Hist ories</em> is intended to help gather information about each individual ob ject so that the museum’s efforts to preserve and catalog the collection can be as complete as possible.\n\n<strong>This live public program is fr ee and open to all. Go to JANM’s YouTube channel at the program time to watch it live on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</strong>\n\nWe encourage you to subscribe to o ur <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube channe l</a> so you will be notified when the video is streaming live. You can al so follow us on social media (<strong><a href=" amuseum" target="_blank">Facebook</a> | <a href=" useum" target="_blank">Twitter</a> | <a href=" seum" target="_blank">Instagram</a></strong>). We will share the direct li nk to the livestream video. DTSTAMP:20241208T123004Z SUMMARY:VIRTUAL TALK: Contested Histories on the Road with Clement Hanami URL:/en/events/2020/04/30/virtual-talk-contested-histories-on-the-road-with / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR