BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191201T000000Z DTEND:20191201T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Little Tokyo Historical Society (LTHS) will host a celebrat ion of the 90th anniversary of the Japanese Hospital in Boyle Heights on S unday\, December 1 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters at 2727 E 1st Street in Los Angeles. The celebration will include present ations on the history of the hospital and the surrounding neighborhood of Boyle Heights\, recognition of former patients of the hospital as well as those who worked there\, a taiko performance by Yoki Daiko and birthday ca ke. Parking for the event is available in Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters' l ot on N. Saratoga St. at 1st Street. Admission to the event is free and op en to the public. To RSVP for the event\, email: littletokyohs@gmail.\n\nT he Japanese hospital illuminates an ethnic community's attempt to create a health care facility as a means to combat racial discrimination that barr ed Japanese immigrants from receiving care at many mainstream health facil ities in early twentieth-century Los Angeles. Itinerant Japanese midwives and doctors crisscrossed the region to attend to patients. During the 1918 Influenza epidemic\, the need for more adequate health care facilities wa s critical. By the 1920s\, Japanese Angelenos determined that a hospital w as needed to serve their burgeoning community. As a result\, in 1926\, fiv e Japanese immigrant doctors attempted to incorporate the Japanese Hospita l on property they acquired at First and Fickett Streets in Boyle Heights. The California Secretary of State denied their application for incorporat ion on the grounds that the doctors were ineligible for citizenship and th erefore could not own or lease property. When the physicians contested the decision\, the case went to the California State Supreme Court and ultima tely to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1928. Both courts ruled in favor of the doctors and the hospital opened on December 1\, 1929. The bravery of the immigrant doctors to fight for the betterment of their community despite n ot having the rights of citizens is remarkable. The civil rights victory t hat resulted from their efforts is a significant accomplishment that all A ngelenos can be proud of.\n\nThe Japanese Hospital reflects the dejure and defacto discrimination that restricted Japanese Americans (and other ethn ic groups) for decades as well as ways in which they successfully navigate d these challenges. Despite the ethnic specific name of the hospital\, it has also served a diverse group of Angelenos since its founding\, developi ng a reputation for providing good care.\n\nIn recognition of this rich hi story\, the Little Tokyo Historical Society applied for historical cultura l monument status from the City of Los Angeles for the Japanese Hospital. In 2016\, the City of Los Angeles designated the Japanese Hospital as HCM #1131. Earlier this year\, the Little Tokyo Historical Society applied for National Register status for the Japanese Hospital. Recently\, the Keeper of the National Register determined the Japanese Hospital eligible for th e National Register of Historic Places.\n\nSince 2006\, the Little Tokyo H istorical Society has been committed to documenting and verifying history of locales\, sites and buildings\, as well as preserving and sharing the h istory and personal stories of Little Tokyo and its residents. The LTHS ob tained HCM status from the City of Los Angeles for the Aoyama Tree (HCM# 9 20)\; the Japanese Hospital (HCM# 1131) and is currently awaiting approval for the Sakai-Kozawa Residence / Tokio Florist and Pole Sign. The LTHS ha s developed naming sites for Rev. Howard Toriumi\, Sei Fujii\, Toyo Miyata ke\, and The Finale Club in various locations throughout Little Tokyo. The LTHS also captures the spirit of Little Tokyo through its annual Imagine Little Tokyo Short Story Contest.\n\nFor more information about the Japane se Hospital 90th anniversary celebration as well as the Little Tokyo Histo rical Society's additional upcoming events\, please contact: littletokyohs\n\nLTHS seeks individuals with Japanese Hospital connection\nT he Little Tokyo Historical Society is interested in identifying individual s who have a connection to the hospital. There will be an opportunity at t he program for attendees to share that they were born at the hospital\, re ceived health care at the hospital\, or are a descendant of a former staff members. Additionally\, attendees are encouraged to bring in photographs\ , documents\, or any other ephemera for scanning. DTSTAMP:20250115T051839Z SUMMARY:JAPANESE HOSPITAL - A Community Civil Rights History URL:/en/events/2019/12/01/japanese-hospital-a-community-civil-rights-histo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR