BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190622T000000Z DTEND:20190623T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Sun Valley Obon Festival is celebrating 65 years\, and the two day festival will be taking place at The Valley Japanese Community Center. Come and eat some all-time favorite foods such as udon\, teriyaki beef\, sushi\, Chinese chicken salad\, and fresh roasted corn on the cob\; as wel l as some delicious homemade baked goods which will all be avaliable for p urchase.&nbsp\;\n\nSun Valley Obon Festival schedule: demonstrations of Ju do\, Karate\, Kendo\, Tea Ceremony\, Taiko\, and Minyo Odori will be held. &nbsp\;\n\nOther activities include: festival-type games\, exhibits of cal ligraphy/Sumi-E\, and school work completed by Japanese School Students wi ll be featured on both days.\n\nAfter the demonstrations\, there will be B on Odori dancing. Bon dances are dances of joy so age\, looks or experienc e should not inhibit anyone from entering the circle of dancers! Bon Odori will begin at 7:00pm\n\nAdmission: Free\, everybody is welcome!\n\nParkin g: There will be no diagonal parking this year. A shuttle van will be goin g back and forth to San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center (SFVJACC) to drop off and pickup festival attendees. (Address for SFVJACC : 12953 Branford Street Pacoima\, CA)\n\n<strong>Saturday\, June 22nd</str ong> hours: 4:00pm-10:00pm\n\n<strong>Sunday\, June 23rd</strong> hours: 4 :00pm-9:00pm DTSTAMP:20240920T183037Z SUMMARY:65th Annual Valley Japanese Community Center Obon Festival URL:/en/events/2019/06/22/65th-annual-valley-japanese-community-center-obon / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR