BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190303T000000Z DTEND:20190303T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Canada&rsquo\;s premier taiko ensemble Nagata Shachu\, celebrat ing their 20th anniversary season\, ignite the stage with &lsquo\;Illumina te&rsquo\; &ndash\; featuring directorial debut by group member Tony Nguye n!\n\n&lsquo\;Illuminate&rsquo\; combines infectious taiko rhythms\, movem ent\, improvisation and dramatic stage lighting to pay homage to the vibra nt light sources that surround us\, radiate throughout the universe and fi ll our lives with joy\, hope\, fear and curiosity. Each composition (which consist of both new and re-envisioned works and include the use of instru ments such as taiko\, bamboo flutes\, shamisen and xylophone) represents l ight in various forms and colours\, conveying the different energies and e motions that we experience when exposed to them. The drums and the perform ers are used to portray the abundance of light found in the skies\, the fo rests\, the oceans\, and within our own communities. Lighting design is by Toronto&rsquo\;s Chris Malkowski.\n\nARTIST QUOTE:\n\nLong-time Nagata Sh achu member\, multi-instrumentalist and this concert&rsquo\;s director Ton y Nguyen states\, &ldquo\;As a first-time director\, I hope to bring a ref reshing and illuminating adventure on stage that will continue to preserve the ensemble&rsquo\;s principal aim of rejuvenating the folk drumming tra ditions of Japan. ILLUMINATE is meant to show the different colours and pe rsonalities of not only the members of Nagata Shachu\, but also of taiko a nd its music.&rdquo\;\n\nTICKETS:\n\nAdult\; $30.00/$35.00. Student/Senior \; $20.00.\n\nOnline\;&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_bla nk"></a>.\n\nPhone\; 416-978-8849.\n\nIn person\; Ha rt House Box Office\, University of Toronto\, 7 Hart House Circle\, Toront o\, ON\, M5S 3H3.\n\nMORE INFO:&nbsp\;<a href="" t arget="_blank"></a>.\n\nNagata Shachu members perfo rming in this concert are Kiyoshi Nagata (director\, master soloist\, taik o\, shinobue/flute)\, Aki Takahashi (taiko\, shamisen\, vocals)\, Tony Ngu yen (taiko\, woodwinds)\, Jason Huang (taiko)\, Andrew Siu (taiko) and Nao ya Kobayashi (taiko).\n\nNagata Shachu has toured extensively and played r are and unusual collaborations with artists including acclaimed Toronto au thor and storyteller Rui Umezawa and Toronto contemporary dancers Noriko K usama and Yuichiro Inoue\, the Toronto Arts Foundation&rsquo\;s Arts in th e Parks initiative\, world/roots ensemble DRUMHAND\, Japan&rsquo\;s acclai med taiko\, kokyu and shinobue virtuoso Shogo Yoshii (formerly of Kodo dru mmers)\, Juno nominated Toronto Tabla Ensemble\, co-founder and principal dancer of Japan&rsquo\;s Kodo drummers Chieko Kojima\, renowned blues arti sts Ken Yoshioka and multi-Juno Award winner Julian Fauth and internationa lly renowned shamisen master\, Japan&rsquo\;s Masahiro Nitta.\n\nABOUT:\n\ nSince forming in 1998 and while rooted in the folk drumming traditions of Japan\, Nagata Shachu's principal aim is to rejuvenate this ancient art f orm by producing innovative and exciting music (through concerts and works hops) that creates a new voice for Taiko. Taking its name from founder and Canada&rsquo\;s pre-eminent taiko soloist Kiyoshi Nagata and &lsquo\;shac hu&rsquo\; (old term for a performing troupe)\, Nagata Shachu has toured t hroughout Canada and countries including USA\, Europe\, Lebanon and Mexico \, and has previously released six CDs of original music (latest\; Hymus R oad\, 2013)\, and four DVDs (latest\; Toronto Taiko Tales\, 2017). DTSTAMP:20240920T175611Z SUMMARY:Nagata Shachu: Illuminate URL:/en/events/2019/03/03/nagata-shachu-illuminate/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR