BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190220T000000Z DTEND:20190220T000000Z DESCRIPTION:All attendees will receive a FREE hard copy book (<em>Us vs. Th em: The Failure of Globalism</em>).\n\nHow has globalism affected the worl d? Has it been positive or negative? While globalization has brought econo mic growth and prosperity for many\, the divide between winners and losers is growing. Some people fear uncertainty over shifting immigration polici es. Others are concerned that technological advancements could displace th em from the workforce. Those who have been marginalized by globalism are d emonstrating increased frustration toward the government. Drawing on his l atest book\, <em>Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism</em>\, Ian Bremmer \, one of the country’s leading political scientists\, discusses contemp orary global affairs and the future of globalism. \n\n<strong></strong>\n <strong>Speaker:</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Ian Bremmer</strong> \, President\, Eurasia Group \n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Agenda:</strong >\n\n6:00-6:30 PM\nRegistration\n\n6:30-7:30 PM\nLecture and Q&amp\;A\n\n7 :30-8:00 PM\nReception\n\n<strong>Admission:</strong>\nNon-members: $28\nJ apan Society Corporate Members: Free\, up to designated number of tickets\ ; additional tickets $23\nJapan Society Individual Members at Patron Circl e level and above: $23\nAcademic and government: $23 \nSeating is availab le on a first come\, first served basis. \n<em>Prepayment must be made wi th a credit card. All cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior t o the event</em> \nFor more information\, please contact the Business and Policy Program at 212-715-1208 or email <a href="mailto:register@japanso"></a>.  DTSTAMP:20250115T052301Z SUMMARY:Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism URL:/en/events/2019/02/20/us-vs-them-the-failure-of-globalism/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR