BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181130T000000Z DTEND:20181212T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>Earth Manual Project &ndash\; This Could Save Your Life</em >&nbsp\;showcases some of the best practices for dealing with disasters at different stages&mdash\;from preparedness education to response and relie f efforts&mdash\;with a particular focus on practices that use creative de sign ideas. Originating in Japan\, the exhibition includes examples of wor k from countries where natural disasters are frequent\, such as Indonesia\ , Thailand\, and the Philippines. Projects introduced in the exhibition ut ilize distinctly c<span style="white-space: pre\;">reative and innovative approaches to disaster issues.\n\nThe exhibition is curated by Hirokazu Na gata\, President of Plus Arts and Vice Director of Design and Creative Cen ter Kobe (KIITO) in Japan.\n\nFor more information\, please visit:&nbsp\;< a href=" _save_your_life_-_exhibition#.XAFZbNtKiUk"> ent/earth_manual_project_this_could_save_your_life_-_exhibition#.XAFZbNtKi Uk</a> DTSTAMP:20240919T214349Z SUMMARY:Earth Manual Project – This Could Save Your Life URL:/en/events/2018/11/30/earth-manual-project-this-could-save-your-life/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR