BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180207T000000Z DTEND:20180207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Timothy Sullivan</strong>\, one of the first certifie d Sake Samurai and the founder of\, spent twelve months imme rsed with the sake making team at Hakkaisan Brewery\, in the snow coun try of Niigata\, Japan. During his stay\, each season held a new wonder: w alking over hot coals during the community’s <em>hiwatari</em> festiva l in fall\, discovering the process of snow-aging sake in a <em>yukimuro< /em> in winter\, cherry blossom viewing in spring\, and foraging for moun tain vegetables in the summer. At this talk\, Sullivan takes us on a journ ey through four seasons of the sake\, food\, and cultural wonders of a bre wery town in Japan’s countryside and the lessons he brings back for his life in New York City. <em>Followed by a reception featuring sake from H akkaisan Brewery.</em> \n\nTickets: $14/$11 Japan Society members\, senio rs &amp\; students \nEvent Page: ing-in-a-sake-wonderland-a-year-at-a-japanese-brewery DTSTAMP:20250118T120151Z SUMMARY:Walking in a Sake Wonderland: A Year at a Japanese Brewery URL:/en/events/2018/02/07/walking-in-a-sake-wonderland-a-year-at-a-japanese / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR