BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171008T000000Z DTEND:20171008T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><em>Culture\, food\, community at Annual Okinawa Bazaar </em></strong>\n<strong><em> </em></strong>\n<strong><em></em></strong>The <strong>Okinawa Association of America (OAA)</strong> will host their Ann ual Bazaar on Sunday\, October 8\, at the OAA Center in Gardena.\n\nWhat s tarted out as a tiny gathering of members has grown into an intergeneratio nal cultural event that brings together hundreds of families for an aftern oon of tasty food and soulful entertainment.\n\nThe food booths will showc ase a number of <em>maasan</em> (delicious) Okinawan foods like <em>sātā andāgī</em> (“Okinawan dango”)\, Okinawa soba\, <em>ashitibichi</em > (pig’s feet)\, <em>rafutē</em> (Okinawa-style slow-cooked pork belly) \, ice cream made with <em>beni imo</em> (Okinawan purple potato)\, and ta co rice (literally taco ingredients over rice\; a popular fusion dish in O kinawa).\n\nThe all-day entertainment program will feature the traditional and contemporary performing arts of Okinawa\, Hawai‘ian dance\, karate demonstrations\, and more. Exciting additions to this year’s program inc lude two spoken word performances by <em>yonsei</em> (fourth-generation) O kinawan descendants and a mini sanshin workshop/lesson with local musician s\, Yuna &amp\; Tida.\n\nFor those who want to start their holiday <em>kō imun</em> (shopping) early\, $1 raffle tickets are available with a $300 g rand prize for one lucky winner. Booths will also be selling souvenirs fro m Okinawa (limited supply)\, original Okinawa-themed merchandise (tote bag s\, t-shirts\, and stickers)\, and handmade crafts donated by local dance group\, Majikina Honryu.\n\nParents can plan a family day and bring the ki ds to the <em>warabi</em> (children) tent. Fun activities include games\, arts and crafts (including painting with bingata-style stencils)\, and a p hoto booth with an Okinawa-themed background.\n\nThe OAA is a 501(c)(3) no n-profit organization formed by Okinawan immigrants over 100 years ago. Th e Okinawa Bazaar serves as the group’s largest annual fundraiser and the goal of this year’s event is to raise money for the OAA Center\, which is in need of significant repairs and upgrades.\n\n“We are blessed for t he foresight of our elders had in creating a central gathering place for o ur organization and the surrounding community\,” said Yuko Yamauchi\, OA A’s Executive Director. “By coming out to the Bazaar\, people will not only experience the flavor and vibrant culture of Okinawa\, but they'll a lso be contributing to make sure the OAA Center is a safe and comfortable place to gather and host events.”\n\n<em>Rikka Uchinaa </em>Bazaar<em> n kai ikana</em> (let’s go to the Okinawa Bazaar)! <strong>October 8\, 11A M - 4PM\, at the OAA Center\, 16500 S. Western Ave.\, Gardena 90247.</stro ng> Parking available in nearby residential areas. Early arrival recommend ed\; popular food/merchandise items sell out quickly. Booths will only acc ept pre-paid scrips (available to purchase through the OAA office and at t he event).\n\n<strong>Pre-order scrips or make a tax-deductible donation:< /strong> <a href=""></a>\, 310-532-1929\n\n<strong>More info and schedule:</strong> <a href="http://" target="_blank"></a>\n<strong></stron g>\n<strong>Volunteers Needed:</strong> This event is organized and execut ed entirely by volunteers. Those who are interested in helping with set-up \, booth operation\, or clean-up can contact the OAA volunteer coordinator at <a href=""></a> . DTSTAMP:20250120T214753Z SUMMARY:Annual Okinawa Bazaar &amp\; Fundraiser URL:/en/events/2017/10/08/annual-okinawa-bazaar-amp-fundraiser/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR