BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171022T000000Z DTEND:20171022T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Health/Sports Day originally held on October 10th is the annive rsary of the opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. With the 2020 To kyo Olympics in sight\, we thought we would bring this event closer to San Jose’s Japan town with our own version of a Health\, Sports and Culture Day at JAMsj.\n\n<span style="background-color: initial\;">Please join us for an afternoon of cultural demonstrations that brings Health\, Sports a nd Culture together. There will be various performance by our own local yo ung talent followed by relay races (Undokai) for the kids. So pack your Ob ento lunch and enjoy the afternoon. The JAMsj Museum will also be open wit h docents on hand for tours.\n<a href=" FAIpQLSerwCI1WbqLpOo0CU5vfmMTKAIw-6vaZ9Sx7E_9Ldhf7RJp_Q/viewform?c=0&amp\; w=1" target="_blank"><strong>Register now for the Undokai!</strong> </a>\n <strong>11:30AM Start</strong>\n<ul><li>Lotus Preschool Singers </li><li>G enki Kids Dancers </li><li>Nakano-sensei Judo Demonstration </li><li>Relay Races for the Kids\n \n<ul><li>Egg on a spoon relay</li><li>Tug of War < /li><li>Pankui </li><li>Monsui Relay Race</li><li>Water Balloon Toss </l i><li>Jankenpo Train</li><li>Tamaire</li></ul>\n\n</li><li>Kami Shibai </l i></ul>\n\n<strong>RSVP:</strong>\n<a href=" 17"></a>\n<span style="background-color: initial\ ;">\n <span style="background-color: initial\;">( 408) 294-3138\n<strong>Date/Time:</strong> \n Sunday\, October 22\, 2017\n <span style="background-color: initial\;">11:30AM-1:30PM\n<strong>Event C ost:</strong> \n Free with admission to the museum\n\n<strong>Location:</s trong> \n Japanese American Museum of San Jose\n <span style="background-c olor: initial\;">535 N. 5th Street\n <span style="background-color: initi al\;">San Jose\, CA  95112 DTSTAMP:20241208T121634Z SUMMARY:Health\, Sports &amp\; Culture Day at JAMsj URL:/en/events/2017/10/22/health-sports-culture-day-at-jamsj/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR