BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170729T000000Z DTEND:20170729T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for the LA premiere of this new documentary film tracin g the life of noted civil rights activist Min Yasui from his childhood in the farming community of Hood River\, Oregon\, to his career as the firs t Japanese American attorney in that state and his family&rsquo\;s experi ences during World War II. A preview of the forthcoming Part 2 is include d.\n\nQ&amp\;A to follow with filmmaker Holly Yasui\, daughter of the note d activist. Free with <a href="" targe t="_blank">museum admission</a> . <a href="https://9644p.blackbaudhosting. com/9644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=406d038e-682b-42d4-bc62-caf14c6bc12f" target="_blank">RSVPs</a> are recommended.\n\nCheck <a href="http://www.j" target="_blank"></a> for updates.\n\n< a href="/journal/2015/10/30/never-give-up/" target="_blank">Read a 2015 ar ticle by Holly Yasui about the film on Discover Nikkei.</a> DTSTAMP:20241013T081318Z SUMMARY:Film Screening and Q&amp\;A—Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the F ight for Justice (Part 1) URL:/en/events/2017/07/29/film-screening-and-qampanever-give-up-minoru-y/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR