BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170527T000000Z DTEND:20170527T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nThe Nik kei Genealogical Society (NikkeiGen) promotes\, encourages\, and shares Ni kkei genealogy through education\, research\, and networking. NikkeiGen’ s general meetings are open to anyone who is interested in researching the ir family trees\, learning more about their Japanese roots and heritage\, and participating in group discussions and networking. Meetings occur appr oximately once a month from January to October\, with the location alterna ting between JANM and the Southern California Genealogical Society (SCGS) in Burbank. Meetings are always free\, but RSVP is required.\n\nTo RSVP or for more information\, email <a href="mailto:info@nikkeigenealogicalsoci"></a> or visit the Facebook pag e at <a href="" target="_blank">faceboo</a>. Limited to 35 participants.\n\nCheck <a href="http://" target="_blank"></a> for updates. DTSTAMP:20250119T130637Z SUMMARY:Nikkei Genealogical Society General Meeting URL:/en/events/2017/05/27/nikkei-genealogical-society-general-meeting/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR