BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161208T000000Z DTEND:20161208T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The National Park Service will host a public meeting in San Jos e to discuss the future of the Tule Lake Unit.\n\nThe Tule Lake Unit is on e of America's newest national parks. It preserves the site of the Tule La ke Segregation Center and tells the history of the forced removal\, incarc eration\, and segregation of Japanese Americans during WWII. Designated in 2008 by President George W. Bush\, the Tule Lake Unit is a significant re minder of the importance of civil and human rights during times of crisis. \n\nThe National Park Service has recently released the Tule Lake Unit Gen eral Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for public review and co mment. The plan provides long-term guidance for how the National Park Serv ice will develop and manage the unit and how the stories of the incarcerat ion of Japanese Americans during WWII will be told at Tule Lake. The plann ing process began in 2013 and includes public comments from 600 people.\n\ nThis meeting is part of a series being held by the National Park Service about the Tule Lake Unit in California\, Oregon\, Washington\, New York\, and online. Anyone interested in attending is welcome.\n\nCurrent informat ion relevant to the plan and the Tule Lake Unit is available at <a href="h ttps://" target="_blank" ></a>. Comments may be submitted online or sent to <a href="">tule_superintendent@</a>. The public-comment period closes on February 10\, 2017. See p ress release for full meeting schedule and locations.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240916T032228Z SUMMARY:National Park Service Public Meeting for Tule Lake Unit URL:/en/events/2016/12/08/national-park-service-public-meeting-for-tule-lak e/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR