BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161204T000000Z DTEND:20161204T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Carrie Preston</strong> is an associate professor of E nglish and director of the Women’s\, Gender\, and Sexuality Studies Prog ram at Boston University. Her first book\, <em>Modernism’s Mythic Pose: Gender\, Genre\, Solo Performance </em>(2011) was awarded the de la Torr e Bueno Award for dance studies. <em>Learning to Kneel: Noh\, Modernism\, and Journeys in Teaching</em>\, recently released by Columbia University Press\, focuses on the international circulation of W. B. Yeats' <em>At t he Hawk’s Well </em>(1916) to examine the influence of noh drama on mod ernist theater\, poetry\, and dance. Her research for the project was supp orted by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and t he Peter Paul Career Development Professorship\, which enabled her to stud y noh dramaturgy and performance technique in Tokyo. For chapter summaries \, film clips\, pedagogical activities\, and more please see:<a href="http ://"></a> \n<strong>\n</strong>Part of the <strong>Image-in-Focus</strong> gallery talk series:\nSelect Sundays at 2 PM\, through January 14\, 2017. \n<str ong>October 16\, 2016</strong>: <strong>Javier de Frutos</strong>\, chore ographer of At <em>Twilight/The Hawk's Dance\n</em><strong>November 20\, 2016</strong>: <strong>Tomoeda Akiyo</strong>\, Living National Treasure\ , Kita Noh Theater Company\nCap off your weekend at Japan Society Gallery with these energetic\, 20-minute conversations with leading curators\, wri ters\, artists and specialists of Japanese art. Drop by to hear their uniq ue perspectives on select highlights from Gallery's fall exhibition\, <a href=" twilight"><strong><em>Simon Starling: At Twilight</em></strong></a>. \n<e m>Free with admission to the exhibition. Groups are limited to 30\, first- come\, first-served basis.</em> DTSTAMP:20241214T220351Z SUMMARY:Image-in-Focus: Carrie Preston URL:/en/events/2016/12/04/image-in-focus-carrie-preston/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR