BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161115T000000Z DTEND:20161115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Action star <strong>Yusaku Matsuda </strong>started his journ ey towards melding arthouse film and pop in this mesmerizingly stylized an d Nietzschean heist film about a war reporter planning to rob a bank. Scri ptwriter <strong>Shoichi Maruyama</strong> became an overnight sensation for his unique mix of the surreal and hard-boiled realism. Haruki Kadokaw a used the film to embark on a new kind of small-scale blockbuster that em phasized artistic freedom. Though based on a bestseller by <strong>Haruhi ko Oyabu</strong>\, Kadokawa told Maruyama: "All I want is the novel's tit le and your modern sensibility." Foreshadowing the self-reflexive play of Japan's bubble era\, the film tackles the insecurities of an increasingly international Japan. <strong>New 4k restoration</strong>! \n<em>1980\, 1 19 min.\, DCP\, color\, in Japanese with live English subtitles. Directed by Toru Murakawa. With Yusaku Matsuda\, Takeshi Kaga\, Hideo Murota. </em >\nPart of <a href=" es-cinema-kadokawa-film-series"><em><strong>Pop! Goes Cinema: Kadokawa Fil m &amp\; 1980s Japan</strong></em></a>.<strong> </strong>\n<strong>Ticket s:</strong> $13/$10 seniors &amp\; students/$9 Japan Society <a href="h ttp://">members</a>\n<strong>S pecial Offer: </strong>Purchase at least 3 tickets in the same transacti on and receive $2 off each ticket. (Not available online for Corporate Mem bers—please call the Box Office at 212-715-1258 to make arrangements.)\ n<strong>\n18+. This film is unrated\, but may only be viewed by persons 1 8 years of age and older.</strong>\n<em>The Beast to Die</em> © 1980 Kad okawa Corp.\n DTSTAMP:20241209T010757Z SUMMARY:The Beast to Die 野獣死すべし (Yaju Shisubeshi) URL:/en/events/2016/11/15/the-beast-to-die-yaju-shisubeshi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR