BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170303T000000Z DTEND:20170305T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Fri.\, Mar. 3\, 8 PM </strong>(Followed by a <em>Metl ife Meet-the-Artists Reception</em>)<strong>\nSat.\, Mar. 4\, 8 PM\nSun.\, Mar 5\, 4 PM (Family Program)</strong> \n<em>Nihon Buyo</em>\, literally “Japanese dance\,” is a modern art form performed by artists who trai n vigorously in kabuki dance. <strong>Geimaruza</strong>\, Japan’s youn g and rising stars—all alumni of the prestigious Tokyo University of the Arts’ <em>nihon buyo</em> program—grace the stage with a gorgeous p rogram including traditional kabuki and folk dances and original neo-tradi tional arrangements. Performed alongside an ensemble of musicians (shamise n\,<em> fue</em>\,<em> taiko</em>\, <em>otsuzumi</em>\, <em>kotsuzumi< /em>) and chanters\, the evenings include <em>Ayatsuri Sanbaso </em>(<em >Puppet Sanbaso</em>)\, <em>Oshukubai </em>(<em>The Nightingale in the P lum Tree</em>) and musical selections. Crowning the program is the dynamic  <em>Shunkashuto</em> (<em>Four Seasons</em>)\, a quartet of dances cele brating the richness of Japan’s exquisite four seasons. DTSTAMP:20250119T012019Z SUMMARY:Nihon Buyo Dance URL:/en/events/2017/03/03/nihon-buyo-dance/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR