BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161211T000000Z DTEND:20161211T000000Z DESCRIPTION:One of Japan&rsquo\;s most popular&nbsp\;<em>mukashi banashi</e m>&nbsp\;folktales comes to life through the playful interpretation of bel oved all-male contemporary dance company&nbsp\;<strong>Condors</strong>\, led by&nbsp\;<strong>Ryohei Kondo</strong>. Chock-full of high-octane danc e\, spirited music\,<em>kamishibai</em>&nbsp\;(picture storytelling)\, col orful costumes and props and lots of humor\,&nbsp\;<em>Hanasaka Jiisan</em >\, which recognizes the importance of honesty and kindness\, promises to delight all ages.\nAs a perfect prelude\, New York-based Japanese puppet a rtist&nbsp\;<strong>Maiko Kikuchi</strong>&nbsp\;offers her witty&nbsp\;<s trong>PINK&nbsp\;BUNNY</strong>\, a parade of the most unlikely of objects assembled in a work to remind us that nothing is impossible.\n<strong>Tic kets</strong>: $28/$23 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.japansociet">members.&nbsp\;</a>\nRecommended for ages 5 +\, accompanied by an adult. DTSTAMP:20240914T133136Z SUMMARY:Hanasaka Jiisan (The Old Man Who Made Flowers Bloom) URL:/en/events/2016/12/11/hanasaka-jiisan-the-old-man-who-made-flowers-bloo / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR