BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151003T000000Z DTEND:20160131T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Little Tokyo Historical Society (LTHS) seeks fictional shor t stories for its third annual Imagine Little Tokyo short story contest in the categories of English language\, Japanese language and youth (18 and younger). The deadline is January 31\, 2016.\n\n<p style="margin-bottom: 1 2.0pt\; text-indent: 36.0pt\; mso-pagination: none\; mso-layout-grid-align : none\; text-autospace: none\;">The purpose of the contest is to raise aw areness of Little Tokyo through a creative story that takes place in Littl e Tokyo. The story has to be fictional and set in a current\, past or futu re Little Tokyo in the City of Los Angeles\, California. Each category win ner will be awarded $500 in cash with their short story being published in The Rafu Shimpo and Discover Nikkei website. A public award ceremony and dramatic readings of the winning stories are also being planned for spring 2016.\n\n<p style="margin-bottom: 12.0pt\; text-indent: 36.0pt\; mso-pagi nation: none\; mso-layout-grid-align: none\; text-autospace: none\;">&ldqu o\;Including the Japanese and youth categories last year enhanced our cont est\,&rdquo\; said Bill Watanabe\, head of the Imagine Little Tokyo commit tee. &ldquo\;It was exciting to receive submissions from around the state and globe and we hope to receive even more next year.&rdquo\;\n\n<p style= "margin-bottom: 12.0pt\; mso-pagination: none\; mso-layout-grid-align: non e\; text-autospace: none\;">&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbs p\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; For more information and guidelines\, ref er to the Little Tokyo Historical Society website\, <a href="http://www.l"> </a> . If you would like to financially contribute to the contest\, e-mail\n\ n<p style="margin-bottom: 12.0pt\; mso-pagination: none\; mso-layout-grid- align: none\; text-autospace: none\;">&nbsp\;\n <strong>Guidelines</strong >\n<ul><li>The story must be original\, fictional\, written in either Japa nese or English by the submitting author and never been published (even on line).</li><li>The same story submitted in a previous year cannot be resub mitted.</li><li>The setting of the story should be in Little Tokyo &ndash\ ; either past\, present or future.</li><li>Submitted manuscript should be 2\,500 words or less for English or 5\,000 ji or less for Japanese and ha ve a title.</li><li>File should be a Microsoft Word doc\, docx or rtf.</li ><li>Please use 12 point font\, preferably Times Roman or Courier type.</l i><li>Please remove any mention of your name from your short story\, inclu ding headers.</li><li>The short story manuscript must be submitted digital ly as an e-mail attachment to <a href="">li </a> (include SHORT STORY&nbsp\; in the subject lin e). In the e-mail message\, please include your name\, phone number and ag e if 18 or under.</li><li>The submissions should include a signed agreemen t\, which can be found on the Little Tokyo Historical Society website <a href=""> </a> . Th e agreement can be either e-mailed or sent via post.</li><li>Submissions n eed to be e-mailed by January 31\, 2016\, 12 midnight PST. NO EXCEPTIONS.< /li><li>Immediate family members of judges (first-round or final) are inel igible. <span style="font-size: 14.0pt\; font-family: Symbol\; mso-farea st-font-family: Symbol\; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol\;"><span style="mso- list: Ignore\;"><span style="font: 7.0pt "><span style="font-size: 14.0pt\ ; font-family: ">\n</li></ul>\n\n DTSTAMP:20240914T150227Z SUMMARY:LITTLE TOKYO HISTORICAL SOCIETY SEEKS ENTRIES FOR 2016 SHORT STORY CONTEST URL:/en/events/2015/10/03/little-tokyo-historical-society-seeks-entries-for / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR