BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150328T000000Z DTEND:20150328T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Through the pre and post WWII periods\, the Japanese American g ardener was the ubiquitous figure greening the yards of thousands of homes in the tracts and upscale neighborhoods around the Southland. When the is sei would gather after work\, they enjoyed typical activities of their cou ntry such as senryu\, a literary form similar to haiku. While haiku uses n ature to express feelings\, senryu expresses human experiences.\n\nThe Sou thern California Gardeners Federation published three books since 1960: "G ardeners' Essay\," also called the "Gardeners' Bible\;" "Green Makers" wri tten by Naomi Hirahara in 2000 to mark the 45th anniversary of the Federat ion\; and "Gardeners' Pioneer Story" in 2007 by Senkyaku Seki (aka Sunny S eki\, a notable children's books author). These titles guide readers throu gh one century of the history of the Nikkei gardener through senryu poetry .\n\nJoin authors Naomi Hirahara and Senkyaku Seki as they focus on "Green Makers" and "Gardeners' Pioneer Story" with selected senryu delivered by actor/singer Kurt Kuniyoshi. Ms. Hirahara will also lead the audience in e xperimenting with writing their own unique senryu. DTSTAMP:20250125T120405Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Gardeners: Their stories through "senryu" URL:/en/events/2015/03/28/japanese-american-gardeners-their-stories-through / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR