BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140331T000000Z DTEND:20140406T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>The Press and Diffusion Secretary of the Argentine Nikkei C enter informs:</em> <strong>WEEKLY AGENDA OF ACTIVITIES RELATED TO JAPAN</ strong> _________________________________________________________ <span st yle="color: #ff0000\;"><strong>Monday\, March 31 to Sunday\, April 6\, 201 4</strong> <strong>Wednesday\, April 2</strong> . Radio program "Japan Tod ay". The seventh season continues on Radio Palermo. Topics to be discussed : "Taiko of Japan"\, "Aki No Matsuri Festival"\, "Japan and the Malvinas W ar" and "The Nikkei" by Lic. Yuki Bailey (Yale University - USA)\, among o thers. On Radio Palermo (FM 93.9)\, via web: <a href="http://www.japon-hoy" target="_blank"></a> \, at 5 p.m. . Martial A rts Demonstration. At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro avenue\, Buenos Aires City)\, 3 to 5 p.m. <strong>Friday 4th</strong> . Tea Ceremony. At the Cultural Center of the Japanese Embassy (Bouchard 547\, 15th floor)\, at 2:30 p.m. <strong>Saturday 5th</strong> . Aki No Matsuri Festival by FA NA (Japanese cuisine\, Japanese product stands\, shows). At the COA (Av. S an Juan 2651\, Cdad. de Bs. As.)\, 4 to 9 p.m. <strong>Sunday 6th</strong> . Bonsai talk and clinic\, 4 p.m. At the Japanese Garden (Av. Casares y B erro\, Cdad. de Bs. As.). <em>Activities related to Japan (for all audienc es)\, that you wish to disseminate/promote\, send them to the following em ail: <a href="">centronikkeiarg@hotmail. com</a></em> We appreciate your attention. Best regards. ARGENTINE NIKKEI CENTER Press and Diffusion Secretariat. __________________________________ ___ CNA NEWS is a free information and news service of the Press and Diffu sion Secretariat of the Argentine Nikkei Center. Subscribers receive free of charge via email: agenda of activities related to Japan\, job searches and job offers\, notes and information related to Japan. Those who wish to join this medium should contact: <a href="mailto:centronikkeiarg@hotmail. com"></a> (CNA NEWS). Director: Ricardo G. Hoka ma _____________________________________ <strong>Visit the websites:</stro ng> <a href="" target="_blank">www.centroni</a> (Argentine Nikkei Center) tino (CNA Facebook) <strong>ARGENTINE NIKKEI CENTER</strong> Bulnes 841\, Abasto Cultural (C1176ABO) Buenos Aires – Argentina Tel./Fax: 54 11 4862 7774 (from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.) Mail: <a href=" r"></a> / <a href=" " target="_blank"></a> Institution distinguished by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (1998) and by the Honorable Sena te of the Argentine Nation (2004) DTSTAMP:20250123T151245Z SUMMARY:Weekly Agenda of Activities Related to Japan in Argentina (Monday\, March 31 to Sunday\, April 6\, 2014) URL:/en/events/2014/03/31/ja-4596/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR