BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131102T000000Z DTEND:20131102T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>A Principled Stand: The Story of Hirabayashi v. United Stat es</em>\, a collection of memoirs by Gordon Hirabayashi\, James Hirabayash i and Lane Ryo Hirabayashi was selected for the upcoming JAMsj Book Club m eeting when it meets November 2\, 1:00pm at the Museum.\n\nGordon Hirabaya shi was convicted of violating a curfew at the outbreak of WWII. &nbsp\;Hi s appeal of this conviction reached the U.S. Supreme Court and Hirabayashi stood firm. The rest of his story promises a lively discussion at the Boo k Club meeting.\n\nFor the first &nbsp\;time\, the events of the &nbsp\;ca se are told in Gordon's own words. The result is a &nbsp\;compelling and i ntimate story that reveals what motivated him\, how he endured\, and how h is ideals deepened as he fought discrimination and defended his beliefs.\n \n<blockquote>"I never look at my case as just my own\, or just as a Japan ese-&nbsp\;American case. &nbsp\;It is an&nbsp\;American case\, with princ iples that affect the fundamental human rights of all&nbsp\;Americans."\n& nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nb sp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp \; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;-&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;Gordon&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;K.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Hirabayash i.</blockquote>\n\nThe book is available at the Museum Store. &nbsp\;Book Club meets the first Saturday\, &nbsp\;every other month and is open to th e public. &nbsp\;Questions? Contact Book Club facilitator&nbsp\;Aggie Idem oto at (408)294-3138 or <a href=""></ a>. DTSTAMP:20241010T180245Z SUMMARY:Book Club: A Principled Stand: The Story of Hirabayashi v. U.S URL:/en/events/2013/11/02/book-club-a-principled-stand-the-story-of-hiraba/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR