BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20131109T000000Z DTEND:20131109T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Winter Boutique to Showcase Artists and Authors</strong >\n<em> </em>\nJoin the Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) for a popular line-up of Bay Area artists\, crafts people\, and guest authors at the annual Winter Boutique on November 9\, 2013\, at the <strong>San J ose Buddhist Church</strong> gymnasium<em>\, </em>640 N. Fifth Street\, in San Jose. The general public hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mu seum members will be admitted one hour earlier than nonmembers.\n \nWhen you come\, you will find a wide variety of Asian-inspired jewelry\, clothi ng\, home goods\, wall art\, and ceramics. To satisfy your hunger\, bento boxes\, manju\, cookies\, and sushi will be available for purchase.\n\nThi s year\, three accomplished authors will be in attendance and will bring t heir latest and most popular books for sale. They will gladly discuss thei r books and sign personal copies.\n\n<strong>Tom Graves\, author of <em>T wice Heroes</em></strong>\nJAMsj is pleased to have San Francisco writer  and photographer\, Tom Graves\, as a featured author at this year's Winter Boutique. To write his book\, <em>Twice Heroes: America's Nisei Veterans of WWII and Korea\,</em> Graves interviewed 98 Nisei veterans\, unveilin g their personal battles against wartime suspicion and racism.\n\n<strong >Naomi Hirahara\, author of <em>Strawberry Yellow</em></strong>\nPasadena native Naomi Hirahara is another featured author whom boutique attendees will want to meet.<em>Summer of the Big Bachi\, </em>Hirahara's first mys tery\, was a finalist for Barbara Kingsolver's Bellwether Prize and was no minated for a Macavity Mystery Award. Her most recent book\, <em>Strawber ry Yellow</em>\, is the latest in a series of Mas Arai mysteries.\n\n<stro ng>Ken Mochizuki\, author of </strong><strong><em>Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story</em></strong>\nStop by and talk to Ken Mochizuki\, author of several notable books\, including<em> Baseball Saved Us</em>\, the sto ry of a Japanese American boy's life as an incarceree during WWII. The sto ry unfolds as the boy establishes a baseball league to help pass the time.   His most recent work is <em>Be Water\, My Friend: the Early Years of B ruce Lee</em>.\n\nMembers of JAMsj can enter at 9:00 AM.\n\nQuestions? Ple ase contact Warren Hayashi at the Museum:<a href=" callgate-\;messageId=T3Vh ZEFyHkFyZ1v0EzU0k2E1NsRq9U5G&amp\;purpose=display&amp\;bodyType=html&amp\; reloadHack0.05452690948732197=true"></a>\, (408) 294-3138\, or access the web site\, (<a href=" 4PCfrLPA-RN3jLxwNol9dAri9l5SZOJHCWPzshCH2sREr1U2j3-5_E5dck8XoTssEsSgH3RiZt RwLxjgES4RpQ2r-INNa1EgdCrFVGyo9eX7T7tI3-bFMwuQqcr5CvV3VykoXt_mDpNpsd1CI%3D %26c%3DUf8hpQ96wzfOi1gxgwokHbyIG1ulVFqIE-BCddbY90win7zsVQusLQ%3D%3D%26ch%3 DzA23YCC0lL3XS8XSwJkxKPubahGrZb6tKzber3hAzQxKlTmR30h44w%3D%3D&amp\;lang=en " target="_blank"></a>). DTSTAMP:20250125T221715Z SUMMARY:JAMsj Winter Boutique URL:/en/events/2013/11/09/jamsj-winter-boutique/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR