BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130511T000000Z DTEND:20130922T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>Portraiture Now</em> displays the diversity of contemporary Asian American identity through the groundbreaking work of seven visual a rtists&mdash\;CYJO\, Zhang Chun Hong\, Hye Yeon Nam\, Shizu Saldamando\, R oger Shimomura\, Satomi Shirai\, and Tam Tran.\n\n<strong>Roger Shimomura< /strong> is a third-generation American of Japanese descent who deconstruc ts Asian American stereotypes through his art. Born in San Francisco\, <st rong>Shizu Saldamando</strong> blends references to youth subculture in So uthern California with nods to her Japanese and Mexican heritage. Other ar tists use concepts of diaspora\, migration\, and transnationalism to expan d the meaning of their Asian American identity.\n\nArtists from Asia who w ork in the United States&mdash\;<strong>Satomi Shirai</strong>\, who moved to New York City from Tokyo\; or\, <strong>Hye Yeon Nam</strong>\, who ca me to this country from Korea to study art\; and <strong>CYJO</strong>\, a n artist currently based in China&mdash\;regularly travel back and forth f rom Asia to the United States and craft unique portraits of encounter from their experiences.\n\nArtists who now live in this country&mdash\;<strong >Zhang Chun Hong</strong>\, who recently spent a year in her native China but makes her home in Kansas\; or\, <strong>Tam Tran</strong>\, whose fami ly relocated to Tennessee from Vietnam&mdash\;inflect their journey in exp ressive ways. This group of artists demonstrates\, in microcosm\, the nuan ces inherent to the Asian American experience. Their portraits of encounte r offer representations against and beyond the stereotypes that have long obscured the complexity of being Asian in America and reveal the threads o f contemporary life in novel ways.\n\nFor more information and related pub lic programs\, visit: <a href="" target ="_blank"></a>\n<em></em>\n<em>This exhibition is a collaboration between the <a href="" target="_blan k">Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery</a> and the <a href="http://apa" target="_blank">Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program</a>.< /em>\n\nPhoto credit: <em>Daniel Dae Kim</em> by CYJO\, digital pigment pr int\, January 29\, 2007. Collection of the artist. &copy\; CYJO DTSTAMP:20241009T161754Z SUMMARY:EXHIBITION: Portraiture Now: Asian American Portraits of Encounter URL:/en/events/2013/05/11/exhibition-portraiture-now-asian-american-portra/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR