BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130309T000000Z DTEND:20130309T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a href=" eature.aspx" target="_blank">From the 92YTribeca website</a> :\n\n<strong> </strong>\n<strong>Price:</strong> from $12.00\n\n6 pm\n <em>A Hen in the Wind</em>\n<span style="font-size: 12px">Set in Tokyo in the immediate aft ermath of World War II\, <em>A Hen in the Wind</em> finds young mother Tok iko trying to make ends meet as she tries to care for her young son Hiros hi. When the boy falls ill\, she turns to prostitution\, a desperate act which threatens to destroy her marriage once her husband Shuichi's return from war and the secret is revealed. Following other wartime and postwar films like <em>There Was a Father</em> and <em>Record of a Tenement Gentl eman</em> \, this is a surprisingly trenchant work from a filmmaker bette r known for his later\, more serene middle-class domestic dramas\, mixing Ozu's melodramas of devotion and reconciliation with a devastating criti que of US-occupied Japan.\n \n <em>Director: Yasujiro Ozu. 84 mins. 1948. 35mm.</em> \n7:15 pm\n <em>Equinox Flower</em>\n<span style="font-size: 1 2px">Ozu's first film in color\, <em>Equinox Flower</em> offers a variatio n on the director's postwar dramas of marriage and domesticity among the middle class with this comic satire of changing traditions and gender rol es. Having developed the theme of arranging a young daughter's marriage i n earlier masterpieces like <em>Late Spring</em> and <em>Early Summer</em> \, and refined and simplified his style throughout the films of the 1950 s\, Ozu here deploys a vivid color palette\, precise camera angles\, and typically idiosyncratic mise-en-scene to convey a story about subtle cla shes of old and new&mdash\;with much subversion of patriarchal authority a nd bar-hopping.\n \n <em>Director: Yasujiro Ozu. 118 mins. 1958. 35mm.</e m> \n \n Part of the series <a href=" oming-To-A-Theater-Near-You.aspx">Not Coming to a Theater Near You</a> \, presented by the film blog of the same name.\n \n As an added bonus\, The Criterion Collection has generously donated two Ozu&nbsp\;box sets which we will give away to some lucky audience members!\n \n <em>Tickets: $12\, <a href="">Film Club Member</a> : $8.</em> DTSTAMP:20240916T123857Z SUMMARY:Yasujiro Ozu Double Feature: A Hen in the Wind and Equinox Flower a t 92YTribeca URL:/en/events/2013/03/09/yasujiro-ozu-double-feature-a-hen-in-the-wind-and / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR