BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130403T000000Z DTEND:20130801T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>National Association of Japanese Canadians</strong>\n<s trong>and Safeway Holidays &amp\; Signet Tours present:</strong>\n<strong> 2013 Japan Heritage Tour to</strong>\n<strong>Kyushu and Tokyo</strong>\n< strong>April 3 – 13\, 2013</strong>\n\n$5\,099 from Toronto - $4\,949 fr om Vancouver*\n\nVisit: Tokyo (Hanami Party in Ueno Park)\, Fukuoka\, Naga saki\,\n\nUnzen\, Ibusuki\, Beppu\, Yufuin\, Kagoshima\n\nEnjoy four hot s pring resorts\, classic castles and inspiring landscapes on the island of Kyushu.\n\n<strong>National Association of Japanese Canadians and Safewa y Holidays present..</strong>.\n\n<strong>Ken Noma’s Hawai’i Heritage Tour</strong>\n<strong>July 24 to August 1\, 2013</strong>\n\n$2\,711 from Toronto - $2\,382 from Vancouver\n\n*Fuel surcharge and taxes extra\, sub ject to specified airlines booking code.\n\nYou are invited to join Ken\, NAJC national president and a retired high school history teacher\, on a p ersonally guided tour of Oahu.\n\nThe Hawaiian culture\, food and language have been greatlyinfluenced by the Japanese immigrants whose descendants now constitute the second largest ethnic population on the Islands.\n\n<s trong>2013 is also the 25th anniversary of the Japanese American Redress Settlement so we can take part in two celebrations in two countries!</str ong>\n<strong>Tour Highlights:</strong>\n\nLearn the history of the Japane se American experience\;\n\nHawaiian cuisine and crafts\;\n\nTake part in Obon celebrations\;\n\nVisit to Japanese American business and restaurants  such as Shirokiya\;\n\nHistory of the 442nd Japanese American Combat\;\n \nRegiment at Fort DeRussy\;\n\nChinatown walking tour\;\n\nHonolulu Acade my of Arts\;\n\nLynn Arboretum\;\n\nWaikiki Aquarium\;\n\nRetro surfing to wn of Haleiwa on the North Shore\;\n\nand much more!\n\n<strong><em>Please note that other tours to Japan in 2013 are being planned:</em></strong>\n \n(1) Summer Family Tour to Tokyo in July\;\n\n(2) Fall Kansai Tour to Osa ka\, Kyoto\, Hiroshima\, Miyajima and an Inaka Experience (TBA)\n\nFor a detailed itinerary and direct inquiries:\n\n<strong>Joseph Sheu\, Safeway Holidays 1-888-258-4716 (toll free) or</strong> DTSTAMP:20241008T055338Z SUMMARY:NAJC 2013 Nikkei Heritage Tours URL:/en/events/2013/04/03/najc-2013-nikkei-heritage-tours/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR