BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120810T000000Z DTEND:20120810T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="color: #0066cc\;"><a href="http://eastwestplayers. org/special_events/summerseries.htm"><span style="color: #0066cc\;">http:/ /</a>\n\n"Critic's Choi ce!" - <strong>L.A. Times</strong>\n\n"...well told\, with affectionate\, lively characterizations\, gentle humor\, and fresh ingredients." - <stron g>L.A. Times\n</strong>\n<strong>"</strong>Lively and full of personality\ , this one is well worth seeing." - <strong>Rafu Shimpo</strong>\n<strong> </strong>\n<strong>THREE YEAR SWIM CLUB</strong>\nBy <strong>Lee Tonouchi< /strong>\nDirected and Choreographed by <strong>Keo Woolford</strong>\n<st rong></strong>\n<span style="font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Book'\;">LIMITE D FOUR-WEEK ENGAGEMENT:\n<strong>July 27- August 19\, 2012</strong>\n<stro ng></strong>\n<strong>THREE YEAR SWIM CLUB</strong> is inspired by the tru e life story of Soichi Sakamoto\, who trained the youth of Maui to swim in the plantation irrigation ditches on their path to becoming Olympic champ ions. Set on the island of Maui in the 1930's\, this heartwarming play bec omes transcendent as the art of hula becomes the metaphor for competitive swimming.\n<span style="font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Book'\;"><em>\nProdu ced in association with Hawaiian Inter-Club Council of Southern California and Honolulu Theatre for Youth.</em>\n\nFEATURING THE ORIGINAL CAST: (all from Hawaii)\n<strong>Jared Asato\nKelsey Chock\nKaliko Kauahi\nBlake Kus hi\nMapuana Makia\nChristopher Takemoto-Gentile</strong>\n\nSet and Projec tion Designer: Adam Flemming\nSound Designer: Dennis Yen\nLighting Designe r: Jeremy Pivnick\nProperty Master: Ken Takemoto\nCostume Designer: Ken Ta kemoto\nStage Manager: Maya Rodgers\n\n<strong>Regular Priced Tickets:\n</ strong>Fridays and Saturdays at 2:00 pm: Orchestra $31/Balcony $26\n\nFrid ays and Saturdays at 8:00 pm\; Sundays at 2:00 pm: Orchestra $36/Balcony $ 31\n\n*$4 per ticket handling fee on all regular ticket purchases\n\n<stro ng>Student &amp\; Senior Discounts: </strong>$5 off regular ticket price\n \n<strong>Group Rates Available:</strong> \n10 - 19 Patrons Per Group -- s ave $9 per ticket! \n20 - 49 Patrons Per Group -- save $12 per ticket!* \n 50 - 199 Patrons Per Group -- save $15 per ticket!**\n\n*$4 per ticket han dling fee is waived ~ $5 transaction fee applies\n**All fees are waived\n\ nFor more information regarding group rates\, contact Alison De La Cruz at (213) 625-7000 x 30 or\n\n<strong>Wine Down Fridays:</strong>\nComplimentary glasses of red or white wine during the 8:00 pm performances only (Must be 21+ years of age).\n\n<strong>SAVE THE DATES:</strong>\n<strong>August 17\, 2012:</strong> Hawaiian Inter-Club Co uncil of Southern California Day. DTSTAMP:20250125T030336Z SUMMARY:BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: "Three Year Swim Club" at East West Player s at 8:00 PM URL:/en/events/2012/08/10/back-by-popular-demand-three-year-swim-club-at/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR