BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120630T000000Z DTEND:20120630T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The JACCC is pleased to announce that the&nbsp\;<strong>Thirty- Second Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner</strong>&nbsp\;will be he ld on Saturday\, June 30\, 2012\, at&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.beverlyhilt" target="_blank">The Beverly Hilton</a>&nbsp\;in Beverly Hills. Th e theme of the event is Honoring&nbsp\;<em><strong>Women of Distinction</s trong></em>\, and we invite you to join us in celebrating the accomplishme nts of three outstanding individuals\,&nbsp\;<strong>Sakaye Aratani</stron g>\,&nbsp\;<strong>Mucci Taylor</strong>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<strong>Irene Hir ano Inouye</strong>&nbsp\;who have enriched the vibrancy and cultural life of our community through their leadership\, and their civic and philanthr opic work.\n\nWe welcome and urge your participation at this year&rsquo\;s Anniversary Celebration to help us put forward a well-deserved tribute to each of these distinguished women. Your generous support will also serve to generate innovative new programs to bring out the art\, culture\, and c ommunity enthusiasts in our expanding community.\n\nThe JACCC seeks to be at the forefront of presenting creative new works\, supporting new artists and providing innovative cross-cultural programs that educate younger gen erations about the rich Japanese American heritage and culture. We see a v ision full of vibrant new opportunities to bridge LA&rsquo\;s diverse popu lation by connecting arts and culture in a viable\, sustainable way\, espe cially when you join us with your participation and ongoing support.\n\nFo r information and reservations please contact Jessie Kikuchi at&nbsp\;<a h ref=""></a>&nbsp\;or (213) 628- 2725.\n\n<strong>For more information\, please visit&nbsp\;</strong><a hre f=""> p</a>. DTSTAMP:20240909T154521Z SUMMARY:32nd JACCC Anniversary Celebration and Awards Dinner: "Honoring Wom en of Distinction" URL:/en/events/2012/06/30/32nd-jaccc-anniversary-celebration-and-awards-din n/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR