BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120405T000000Z DTEND:20120405T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Manzanar Fishing Club</strong>\n(74 minutes\, Not R ated\, Documentary\, Color)\nDirector : Cory Shiozaki\n\nOn April 5th at t he Monica 4-Plex\, the last day to see THE MANZANAR FISHING CLUB on the bi g screen\, there will be a Closing Day Celebration! Come by and see the fi lm on April 5th. You’ll get to meet special guests and there’s a very good chance that you’ll receive a special prize!\n\n<strong>Film Summary </strong> \nTHE MANZANAR FISHING CLUB is a feature-length documentary that chronicles the World War II internment of Japanese Americans from a uniqu e perspective: through the eyes of those who defied the armed guards\, bar bed wire and searchlights to fish for trout in the surrounding waters of t he Eastern Sierra.\n\nBy emphasizing the evacuees’ personal stories the film shows how a courageous few were able to take back moments of dignity and freedom through the simple act of fishing. As the narrator explains\, ” While legal battles were being waged in faraway courtrooms\, the fishe rmen were exercising their rights on the ground.”\n\nWhile the “offici al story” of the internment is known to some extent\, THE MANZANAR FISHI NG CLUB sets the record straight on the largest mass roundup in American h istory by confronting such hot-button issues as racism\, ethnic profiling and the suspension of civil liberties under a National Security rubric.\n\ n<strong>DATE:</strong>  Last day!  Thursday\, April 5\, 2012\n\n<strong >SHOWTIMES:</strong>  1:00pm\, 3:10pm\, 5:20pm\, 7:30pm\, and 9:40pm\n\n< strong>LOCATION:\n</strong>Laemmle Monica 4-plex\n1332 2nd Street\nSanta M onica\, 90401\n\n<strong>PHONE:</strong>  (310) 478-3836 DTSTAMP:20250125T095656Z SUMMARY:LAST DAY! New Documentary Film: "The Manzanar Fishing Club" URL:/en/events/2012/04/05/last-day-new-documentary-film-the-manzanar-fi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR