BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120222T000000Z DTEND:20120222T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>THREE YEAR SWIM CLUB</strong>\nBy <strong>Lee Tonouchi< /strong>\nDirected and Choreographed by <strong>Keo Woolford</strong>\n<st rong></strong>\n<strong>February 9 - March 11\, 2012</strong>\n<strong></s trong>\n<strong>THREE YEAR SWIM CLUB</strong> is inspired by the true life story of Soichi Sakamoto\, who trained the youth of Maui to swim in the p lantation irrigation ditches on their path to becoming Olympic champions. Set on the island of Maui in the 1930's\, this heartwarming play becomes t ranscendent as the art of hula becomes the metaphor for competitive swimmi ng.\n\n<em>Produced in association with Honolulu Theatre for Youth. The Ea st West Players mainstage production is sponsored in part by a grant fund from the National Endowment for the Arts.</em>\n\nCAST: (all from Hawaii)\ n<strong>Jared Asato\nKelsey Chock\nKaliko Kauahi\nBlake Kushi\nMapuana Ma kia\nChristopher Takemoto-Gentile</strong>\n\nSet and Projection Designer: Adam Flemming\nSound Designer: Dennis Yen\nLighting Designer: Jeremy Pivn ick\nProperty Master: Ken Takemoto\nCostume Designer: Ken Takemoto\nStage Manager: Maya Rodgers\n\n<strong>Performance Run:</strong> Wed - Thur at 8 :00 pm $26 - 31\, Fri - Sat at 8:00 pm\, and Sun at 2:00 pm $31 - $36.\n\n <strong>Southern California Edison Community Night:</strong> Wednesday\, F ebruary 22.\n\n<strong>Post-Show Discussion:</strong> Sunday\, February 26 . A chat with the artists after the show.\n\n<strong>Student and Senior Di scounts:</strong> $5 off regular ticket price.\n\n<strong>Group Discounts available:</strong> Call Tim Lounibos for details at (213) 625-7000 x16 or email <a href="">tlounibos@eastwestpl</a>.\n\n<strong>Wine Down Fridays:</strong> Complimentary glasse s of red or white wine during the regular performance run. (Must be 21 yea rs of age) DTSTAMP:20240917T215022Z SUMMARY:PLAY: "Three Year Swim Club" at East West Players URL:/en/events/2012/02/22/play-three-year-swim-club-at-east-west-players/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR