BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120302T000000Z DTEND:20120302T000000Z DESCRIPTION:"No-No Boy" reaches into the inner conflict and personal strugg le of the main character\, Ichiro Yamada\, who is haunted by his decision to refuse service in the U.S. military. Yamada made this difficult decisio n in the midst of a tumultuous period\, during which his own government re moved his constitutional rights and imprisoned him in an internment camp. The novel delves into Yamada's personal battle to live with himself and to find his place in the community.\n  \n The title of the book refers to J apanese Americans who answered 'no' to questions 27 and 28 of the highly c ontroversial "loyalty questionnaire" that was administered to incarcerated Japanese Americans in 1943. The questionnaire contained two problematic q uestions: whether or not the internee would be willing to serve in the Ame rican armed forces and whether or not the internee would swear unqualified allegiance to the United States. Those who answered those two questions i n the negative were labeled "No-No" and were deemed disloyal. "No-No's" we re segregated and imprisoned in a separate\, high-security camp. Many of t hem were ostracized from the Japanese American community.\n  \n The reaso ns why some internees answered "No-No" are complex and varied. Some people feared that they would be permanently separated from their Japanese paren ts if they answered the questions differently from their parents. Some peo ple qualified their answers (e.g. "yes\, I will serve\, but only if my con stitutional rights are restored") or refused to answer the questions. Peop le who qualified their answers or failed to answer the questions were also considered to be "No-No."\n   \n The book club meets the first Friday of every other month and is always open to new members. Selections are chose n collaboratively at the end of each meeting and align with the JAMsj miss ion: the celebration of Japanese American art\, history\, and culture. Boo ks are readily available at San Jose public libraries\, online book retail ers\, and the JAMsj museum store. If you have questions\, please contact A ggie Idemoto at (408) 268-4440 or DTSTAMP:20250120T220845Z SUMMARY:Book Club Discussion: No No Boy URL:/en/events/2012/03/02/book-club-discussion-no-no-boy/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR