BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120128T000000Z DTEND:20120128T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj) and the Korema tsu Institute proudly present a teacher workshop\, &quot\;Fred Korematsu: Civil Liberties and the Constitution.&quot\;\n &nbsp\;&nbsp\; \n Teachers of students from grades 1 to 12 are invited to a workshop to learn content and instructional strategies to teach students about the internment of Ja panese Americans during WWII\, the violation of civil liberties\, the role and responsibilities of government\, and the U.S. Supreme Court.\n &nbsp\ ;\n Teachers will receive a teaching kit\, which includes lessons for all grade levels. Ling Woo Liu\, Director of the Korematsu Institute\, will pr esent the lesson plans from the kit and a DVD about Fred Korematsu.&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; \n &nbsp\; \n Fred T. Korematsu was a national civil rights hero. In 1942\, at the ag e of 23\, he refused to go to the government's incarceration camps for Jap anese Americans. After he was arrested and convicted of defying the govern ment's order\, he appealed his case all the way to the Supreme Court (Kore matsu v. United States). In 1944\, the Supreme Court ruled against him\, a rguing that the incarceration was justified due to military necessity.\n & nbsp\;\n In 1983\, Professor Peter Irons\, a legal historian\, together wi th researcher Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga\, discovered key documents that govern ment intelligence agencies had hidden from the Supreme Court in 1944. The documents consistently showed that Japanese Americans had committed no act s of treason to justify mass incarceration. With this new evidence\, a leg al team of mostly Japanese American attorneys re-opened Korematsu's 40 yea r-old case on the basis of government misconduct. Korematsu's conviction w as overturned in a federal court in San Francisco. It was a pivotal moment in civil rights history.\n &nbsp\;\n Korematsu remained an activist throu ghout his life. In 1998\, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom\, the nation's highest civilian honor\, from President Bill Clinton. In 2010 \, the state of California passed the Fred Korematsu Day bill\, making Jan uary 30 the first day in the United States named after an Asian American. Korematsu's growing legacy continues to inspire activists of all backgroun ds and demonstrates the importance of speaking up to fight injustice.\n &n bsp\;\n For further information or to make a reservation\, contact Paul De Witt at or call (510) 796-0121. Due to limited seating\, re gistration is required and will be filled on a first come\, first served b asis. DTSTAMP:20241007T084731Z SUMMARY:Civil Liberties and the Constitution Teacher Workshop URL:/en/events/2012/01/28/civil-liberties-and-the-constitution-teacher-work s/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR