BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110711T000000Z DTEND:20110806T000000Z DESCRIPTION:For forty remarkable years\, Pilobolus has created and performe d work that uses movement to express the beauty of physical and emotional interconnectedness in conflict with the glorious possibility of individ ual freedom. All this translates into a compelling canon that\, through b oth intelligent humor and melancholy\, continually draws audiences to it. The company's special 40th anniversary season features three extraordina ry programs that look back in delight -- with works like <em>Untitled</em > \, a 1975 winner\, and <em>Duet 92</em> \, a passionate piece from 1992 -- and\, at the same time\, celebrate the amazing range of more recent e ndeavors that include startling multimedia initiatives and collaborations with artists representing genres far beyond the realm of dance. The seas on premieres highlight this amazing diversity -- <em>Seraph</em> \, a mind -boggling solo featuring flying robots from MIT's Distributed Robotics Lab oratory Flight Team\; <em>All is Not Lost</em> \, a rhythmically-propelled work created in collaboration with OK Go\, the hot rock band\; and <em>Ko rokoro</em> \, a full-company piece created with Takuya Muramatsu\, the p rincipal choreographer from Dairakudakan\, one of Japan's most intriguing butoh companies.\n \n il.php?event=363&amp\;theater=1 DTSTAMP:20250119T130348Z SUMMARY:PILOBOLUS URL:/en/events/2011/07/11/pilobolus/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR