BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110802T000000Z DTEND:20110802T000000Z DESCRIPTION:JASC and The Japan America Society of Chicago are hosting Kamis hibai (Traditional Japanese Story Telling) on Tuesday August 2 from 11-12p m. Cost is $5 per person\, $5 per child with adult\, or $10 per family.\n \nKamishibai is a type of traditional Japanese story telling that has deep roots which were developed during the Edo Period (1603-1868) and evolved into a type of street storytelling from the 1920's into the 1950's.The kam ishibai storyteller rode a bicycle that was equipped with a small stage fo r showing the story cards that went along with the stories.\n \nThe storie s that will be told at this program are titled "Momotarō (Peach Boy)" and "Bon Odori (Bon Festival Dance)"\, and will be told in both English and J apanese. There will also be a short Japanese lesson in which key words for "Momotarō (Peach Boy)" will be introduced. At the end of the program\, y ou and your children will also have a chance to learn and dance Bon Odori around a traditional Japanese tower!\n\nAll children in attendance will al so receive a handmade Momotaro memory game to bring home! DTSTAMP:20250113T203628Z SUMMARY:JASC and JASC host Kamishibai (Traditional Japanese Story Telling) URL:/en/events/2011/08/02/jasc-and-jasc-host-kamishibai-traditional-japanes / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR