BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110728T000000Z DTEND:20110728T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Pay-What-You-Can!\n\nFor four exciting nights\, the Tateuchi De mocracy Forum will screen vintage anime titles from the 1920s and 1930s\, the Golden Age of Japanese silent film.\n\n<em>Please note: This screening is part of an on-going four part series. However\, each program stands on its own and does not require you have seen the previous film(s).</em>&nbs p\;\n\nThe anime classics we will be screening:\n\n<li>Animal Sumo (1931)< /li><li>Momotaro's Sky Adventure (1931)</li><li>The Unlucky Butterfly (193 1)</li><li>Home Alone Mice (1931)</li><li>Spring Song (1931 or 1932)</li>< li>Momotaro's Underwater Adventure (1932)</li><li>The Plane Cabby's Lucky Day (1932)</li><li>Olympic Games on Dankichi Island (1932)</li><li>Sports Day at Animal Village (1932)</li><li>Sanko and the Octopus: A Fight Over a Fortune (1933)</li><li>The Larks' Moving Day (1933)</li><li>Belly Drum Da nce at Shojoji Temple (Unknown)</li><li>Private 2nd Class Norakuro (1933)< /li>\nThe rest of the series will screen:\n\nPart 1: Thursday\, July 21\n\ nPart 3: Thursday\, August 4\n\nPart 4: Thursday\, August 25\n\n<a href="h ttp://"></a> DTSTAMP:20240909T142137Z SUMMARY:Summer Classic Anime Film Series (Part 2) URL:/en/events/2011/07/28/summer-classic-anime-film-series-part-2/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR