BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110528T000000Z DTEND:20110828T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Through the diverse perspectives of seven ordinary citizens who se lives and communities were forever changed by World War II\, this exhib ition asks visitors to think critically about freedom\, history\, and\, ul timately\, the ongoing struggle to live democratically in a diverse Americ a.\n\nFor more information\, visit <a href=" fd-los-angeles/" target="_blank"></a>\n<e m></em>\n<em>Fighting For Democracy: Who is the &ldquo\;We&rdquo\; in &ldq uo\;We\, the People&rdquo\;?</em>&nbsp\;is presented by the&nbsp\;<a href= "">National Center for the Preservation of Demo cracy</a>\, an educational program of the Japanese American National Museu m\, to advance the understanding of\, and commitment to\, American democra tic ideals.\n\nFor more information about the exhibition and a listing of traveling venues\, to explore an online version\, or to download the accom panying Educator&rsquo\;s Resource Guide\, visit&nbsp\;<a href="http://www"></a>.\n\nThe original version o f&nbsp\;<em>Fighting for Democracy</em>&nbsp\;opened at the National Cente r in October\, 2005\, and was made possible with major support provided by the U.S. Army Center for Military History. This version presents the stor ies in a self-guided format and has been made possible through the generou s support of The Boeing Company and the U.S. Army Center for Military Hist ory.\n\n<em>PHOTO CREDITS &ndash\; Bill: National Archives (018-T-44K-13)\ ; Carl: National Archives (NWDNS-127-MN-83714)\; Domingo: Collection of Do mingo Los Ba&ntilde\;os (NCPD.17.2005.104)\; Frances: From the Frances Sla nger Collection in The Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center at Boston U niversity (NCPD.30.2005.24)\; George: Gift of Mary S. Tominaga\, Japanese American National Museum (94.49.28)\; Hazel: The Woman&rsquo\;s Collection \, Texas Woman&rsquo\;s University (MSS.358)\; H&eacute\;ctor: Dr. H&eacut e\;ctor P. Garc&iacute\;a Papers\, Special Collections &amp\; Archives\, T exas A&amp\;M University&ndash\;Corpus Christi Bell Library (NCPD.1.2004.3 0).</em> DTSTAMP:20240916T121128Z SUMMARY:EXHIBITION: Fighting for Democracy: Who is the "We" in "We\, the Pe ople"? URL:/en/events/2011/05/28/exhibition-fighting-for-democracy-who-is-the-we/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR