BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110304T000000Z DTEND:20110327T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The 12 x 12 exhibits at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chica go are excellent showcases of up-and-coming artists. For the month of Marc h\, Japanese photographer Takeshi Moro is the featured artist. Mr. Moro's large-scale\, vibrant photographs are united by a playful sense of humor a nd bright colors. His recent theme\, sure to be highlighted in the exhibit ion\, has been the function and meaning of apologies: he documents people as they bow and confess to their wrongs.\n\nDate Friday\, March 4 to Sunda y\, March 27\nGallery talk by the artisit on Tuesday\, March 8\, 6:00 PM \ n\nPlace Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago\n220 East Chicago Avenue\nChic ago\, IL 60611\n(Map & Directions)\nInfo\nEvent Info Including Times for L ectures and Family Events\nMr. Moro's Website DTSTAMP:20241206T230213Z SUMMARY:Photographer Takeshi Moro on Exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art\, Chicago URL:/en/events/2011/03/04/photographer-takeshi-moro-on-exhibit-at-the-museu m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR